Anastasia Werba Character in Zirael | World Anvil
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Anastasia Werba

Tzarina Anastasia Werba (a.k.a. The Ice Queen)

Tzarina Anastasia rules over the Empire of Moskav from her palace in Stovaya. She wields the staff of winter which can bring the most furious blizzards through its connection to Auril. Through this she holds Stovaya, denying the invaders a tactically important citadel.   Upon my visit to Stovoya I attended the court of the Tzarina. My father had attended the court of Igor and described it as a drunken chaotic affair of good humour. Anastasia's court could not be less similar, cold, empty and formal. I was to give my request, an interview with the Tzarina that I may portray her faithfully in my almanac, to the Ice Guard. The heavily armoured woman turned towards her queen at the far end of the chamber before turning back to me and saying in her thick accent, "The Tzarina will not see you". And that was that, there was nothing to be gained from arguing my case against the stubborn warrior. Though unsuccessful in my request for an audience I did see the Tzarina, atop her throne of ice, cloaked in dark furs, her pale skin made her stand out amongst her tawny skinned peoples. Her face was striking and hard, one might even say beautiful. She was staring off, apparently lost in thought, her expression one of stubborn determination, though I must remark that behind all that she gave the impression that she was terribly tired. - Lukas
Current Location
Date of Birth
Dec 29th
Pale blue
Medium length straight black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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