The Guild Organization in Zhalindor | World Anvil
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The Guild

Those employed by the guild are known by many names. Wetboys, Workers, Grit, Mercenaries, all are used in a vaguely insulting tone. Those working for The Guild, as it is known, rarely do so by choice. As such, most look down on those they see wearing the identification tags around their necks. However, this does not stop them being employed. Ont he contrary, those working there frequently have too many jobs on offer, and as such those who want to hire them will compete for the various worker teams to get their request done, instead of an alternative option. In fact, some requests are even lodged with the Guild specifically to stop another request from being completed. However, despite their being looked down on, Workers are still afforded a certain level of respect commensurate to their rank, as one would a slave gladiator. There are a fixed number of tags of Porcelain and above per branch of the Guild, if you wish to be promoted you must either have an open space waiting in your city, move to another where their is a vacancy, or duel someone above you for their rank. This encourages competitiveness, while also making sure The Guild has the best possible people available for a job. Such duels are rarely fatal, but it is not unheard of. There is a branch of the Guild in each capital city, except for Aqatar in Hemen, who refuse to allow the construction of a permanent structure to house dangerous individuals from outside the country within their walls. All guild-houses are built with the same layout and materials, to make sure they stand out. They cover half a square kilometer of land with a thin curtain wall bordering it, and the main hub/office building directly inside the gates, with 3 satellite buildings acting as dormitories/barracks, storehouses and armories. They are always constructed from stone faced with a thin layer of red-veined marble from a quarry near Alyrien and braced with dark-stained timber, for a striking impression. The main offices three stories also keep it standing high above most city buildings. The Guild's Code- -Your first loyalty is to the Guild. Do nothing that works against her interests. -Your second loyalty is to your partners. Remember they are the only backup you get. -You do not discuss any potential jobs outside of the Selection Room. All requests are given in strict confidence, refer to Rule 1. -The Guild does not pay you a wage, you only get paid based on requests taken and completed. Failure is not rewarded, nor is laziness. -Do no harm to the Guild or its employees. This includes everything from violence outside of the training yard, to theft. Such infractions are dealt with harshly. -As long as you are a member of the Guild you may sleep within the dormitories or barracks for free. The private rooms are for staff only. If you want privacy, rent elsewhere. -You may only take requests of your rank. This is both for your protection, and to make sure those lower than you don't have their available jobs poached by higher ranks looking for an easy score. -In all other respects, you are free. Freer than most in this life.


Those working here are sorted into ten tiers of experience, each commanding progressively more in fees but also in success rate. The tiers are as follows; Wood - Lv 1-2. Numbers not tracked. Porcelain - Lv 3-4. 200 members. Copper - Lv 5-6. 150 members. Bronze - Lv 7-8. 100 members. Iron - Lv 9-10. 75 members. Steel - Lv 11-12. 50 members. Silver - Lv 13-14. 25 members. Gold - Lv 15-16. 15 members. Mythril - Lv 17-18. 10 members. Adamantite - Lv 19-20. 5 members. For those not employed as mercenaries, there are only Guildmasters, who control a chapter-house, and everyone else, simply referred to as Staff no matter their job on-site.


Each guild-house is a more or less autonomous entity, each one acting like an individual noble house when dealing with the city it is based in. However, all follow a certain basic format. Each building has the main house itself, a three-storey hall made almost exclusively of stone, only the top being primarily wood. The hall is sheathed in Alyrien red marble, an extravagance to impress would-be employees as well as customers. Within is a huge jobs board covering almost the entire right-hand wall, and directly ahead is the counter where up to three Staff members will be working as receptionists, clerks or impromptu medics. directly behind the counter will be the secondary office for the guildmaster, usually used for personal interviews with new recruits or for lesser administration. Also on the ground floor will be a fully stocked bar and one or two food vendors, the vendors compete hotly for who gets to work inside as it guarantees sales. there are a dozen or so trestle tables with benches, and a wide staircase heading up. The second floor is primarily housing for the dozen or so Staff members, with a few private rooms available for hire, and the top floor is exclusive accomodation for the guild master. Furnishing here is individualistic, but its main office is where personal contracts or private words are exchanged. In addition to the main hall is a dormitory/barracks, a small (and thickly walled) armoury, and small warehouse for storage. The dormitory is a pair of long halls joined by a single entrance way, segregated male and female. Each hall is broken two-thirds of the way down by walls and thin doors, the former part just filled with sixty sleeping areas (bunk bed, two chests, single bedside table with candle) while the latter section has half a dozen bathing tubs of various sizes, from individual to one that can seat a dozen at once. Surrounding all of this is a thin stone fence with metal spiked railing, more as a declaration of boundary than a defensive measure.

Caveat Emptor

Founding Date
Founded in the year 424 AE
Guild, Adventuring
Alternative Names
The Last Chance Guild, Rock Bottom, Old Faithful.
Last Chancers, Chancers, Grit, Workers or Wetboys.

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