Materia Organization in Zentral Bratif | World Anvil
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Materia is a land of elements and magic. It is ruled by an elder sage. It streaches all across island of Adepotamos in the far north on Angroth, though it's power and responsibility reaches way further. This country inhabited by the tall and slender people who carry the blood of elfes, fey and similar magical races in them, is the focus of magical power of Angroth. The wildlife of Materia is mainly consisting of Feywild creautes, elementals and gem- and metallic dragons, which are the only draconic beings native to Materia. Elections are held every 8 years, alternating between settlements, Provices, the Electio and Cancelors. The elder sage can't be voted, but anounces a successor for life. They can however be voted out of office by the Electio in a 75% majority after a mistrust trail, instating one of the Cancelors as elder sage followed by relection of the Cancelors. Every Citicen of Materia can run as a Delector, but only the wisest and most powerful of magic users can be voted for Ministers or Cancelors The estetic of materian society reminds of high elfen design, mixed with the mystic animals and apeances of the fey, moonfolk and similar influences. the colors of materials are cold and bright, if colored at all. The wood is light and and if there are colors at all worked into the robes and armor of its people they are light blue, a pale cyan, or silver. The biggest Settlements are Kephale, the Capitol in the Southern Bounon (Mountains).


Highest up in the power pyramid is the elder sage. They have a saying in every major decicion. The next in chain are the 23 Cancelors, they dicide upon a solution and bring it to the elder sage, who dicides its effectiveness. The elder sage eather deems a draft worthy and it is approved or unworthy. In this case, they eather bring forth a solution themselves, that a minority of the Cancelors have to approve, or request another draft from them. The Cancelors have a higher rank in the Electio. The Electio is the highest institution of Materia. It is held regularly in the Temple of the Evory Lady (Elfenbein Dame) and is composed of the Cancelors, 44 Ministers and Vice Ministers and 86 Delectors. The Ministers are Delectors who get elected to thier new rank at the beginning of a term. Inside the Electio the Cancelors together have a veto for and against in certain votes, if all of them agree. The Ministers are responsible for different areas of the system. So there is a Minister of Arms (Waffenminister ect.), a Minister of Tersure and a Minister of Outer Relations, Minister of Inner Affairs, Minister of Art, Minister of Knowledge, Minister of Magic, Minister of Nature, Minister of Planes, Minister of Votes, Minister of Law and Court, Minister of Secrets. For every Minister, there are 3 Vice Ministers. In field specific affairs, the Minister and Vice Ministers vote upon what kind of statement they will bring into the Electio. The three vice ministers can only win this vote together, if they vote differently, the Minister has the final saying. The Millitary subordinates the Minister of Arms, the Court subordinates the Minister of Law and Court and the Town's and Province's ruler has to follow orders from the Minister of Inner Affairs. In special cases like famen, the rulers of a province can attend the Electio as speakers if the Minister of Inner Affairs allows it. Settlements are ruled by a Mayor, who is elected by the citicens of the settlement and approved by Minister of Inner Affairs.


The people of Materia are exclusivly magic users. Thier innate spell casting abilities are granted by thier ancestral bloodline of elfes, fey and similar races.   Halflings (especially known to be great cooks), orcish races and goblinoids are seen as having lesser intelligence but are not discriminated in any regards and a member of these races wanting to learn from them, is met with especially open arms, as every available member of society tires to teach them. It is seen as a great deal of honor and a proof of intelligence to have tought a member of these races as a Materian. Gnomes are seen as the only small non fey race, having the same level of intelligence as a Materian. Towards other races Materians are friendly, but protective of their knowlege. The one trait most sought after by Materians is intelligence, followed by the magical power a creature holds. In this regard Dragons are seen as the most powerful creautres of the land and in the rare accasion of one visiting a settlement it is a main priority to follow its wishes.   The vast arcane knowledge of Materia is not used to Infuse mundain items mixing technology and magic, as an artificer would do, but to create magical items in the first place.   Bold or warm colors are not typical, and travelors will be recognised if wearing those colors or using golden or copper colored metal in their equipment.

Öffentliche Agenda

Materian Society hopes to maintain the balance of the elements and gain the most magical knowledge a society has ever held. Not to use it in war, but for resurch and progress.


Matera's quarries prodice marble, quarz and smokey quarz and Materian Dolomite which is white with light grey veins.


It is said that the Island of Adepotamos rose out of the Astra Sea and from it's trees grew the Materians, who inhabited it ever since.

Demographie und Einwohner

The population of Materia is incredibly balanced and long aged, as the average Materian lives between 700 and 350 years. Most of Materians life in Towns or Villages, there are some mage towers outside of settlements however.


he Millitary is built up following the listed Hirachy:
  1. Minister of Arms
  2. High Commander (Hoher Commandant)
  3. Warlord (Feldherr)
  4. General
  5. Leutnant
  6. Station Leader (Stationsleiter)
  7. Station Soldier
The Lower Ranks are soldiers of different abilites and stations. The different stations are Sky Riders (soldiers riding on hypogreifs, pegaseu and similar flying hoselike creautres), Cavallery (riding on Unicorns, nightmares, horeses, or stags) Infantry (archers and foot soldiers) War Mages, Atillery (using ballista with elemental damage) Scouts, Pioneers and Medics.

Technologisches Niveau

Materia is considered the most scientifical advanced country of Angroth, on the same political level and status as Avatea herself. The Materians have no interest in using their knowledge and magical advantage for conquering other parts of land, but is is debated if anyone could stop them, other than the united armies of all of norhtern Angroth.


The materians prey to parts of the greek pantheon, in a way of choosing one god to prey to, instead of all of them, depending on the situation. The majority with about 97% prey to Athena, who they call the Ivory Lady. the other 3% prey to Apollo, Aphrodite, Hermes or Arthemis. In Materia it is forbidden to prey to or serve Lolth, Asmodeus, Ares or any demons.

Landwirtschaft & Industrie

The plants on grow all kinds of fruites, depending on the area, as there are no noticable seasons on Adepotamos with a mild warm and moist air all year. The fruit of Materia are: a vast selwction of berries, grapes, kiwis, oranges, lemons, limes, pomgranades, passion fruit, olives, figs, pinekones, peach, melons and pumpkins. After some centuries the Materians built green houses to grow even more plants like bananas, papayas, mangos and pineapplles. When in need of recources for buildings, or arms the quarries are activated and stone and plantin are farmed with magic, to be used for building or smithing. There are no farmers or miners among the Materians. If they are hungry, they harvest trees that grow all over Adepotamos. When stone, metal or wood is needed, a specially trained band of magicians are sent to aqure these recousrces delivering them to others who eather smith it into tools and weapons or turn them into buildings by equally useing magic. The rest of the time these groups are reseaching in government vacilities, go along thier personal business.   The platin weapons of Materia are very valuable outside of Materia, because they are incredibly hard to aqure due to the strickt limitation of their production. Other products that are sought after particularly by foreners is the parchment and spell books produced in Materia.

Handel & Transport

Materia, though having good relations with it's bordering nations, doesn't import or export any goods on a large scale, but they allow private transports of materian goods off the island.


Materian Academies are legendary all over Angroth. This is due to the suppirior intelligence of the Materians, and the system itself. When attending a Materian Academy, one learns a great deal of history, arcane theory, strategy, rethoric and nature sciences. The education of a Materian takes 20 years, which they start when they reach adulthood. Before that time, they are homeshooled to understand the basics on which the further education builds later. Half of their time at the Academy is spent on learning and practicing a special field of magic, weather it would be one of the schools of magic, studing the planes of existance, fiendish culture, dunomancy, biomancy or the creation of magic items. Some Materians are especially interested in war magic and the arcane arts at war. Those get trained in the Military Facilities for another 5 years after leaving the Academy.

Knowledge is Power

Geopolitical, Country
Materians / Materianer
Autonomous area
The internal currency of Materia is Opalom, small Opal stones, that are worth roughly the same as 5 silver. In higher sums, platin and diamonds are also common. Gold, silver and copper are also accepted paiment, but are rare in change.
All of Materia has a set of laws that are made in the Electio. Settlements may have specific addtional rules that are written by the mayor and must be autorised by the Minister of Inner Affairs, and the Minister of Law and Court.
A part of the judical body of Materia are the Keuma, an armed force consisting of trained and approved volentieres, who enforce the law, in case of criminal activity. They are active in every settlement and are controlled by the settlement's court. In case of a criminal activity, the Keuma can use non deadly violence to interupt it. Every case is presented to the settlement's judge in a court of law. In Materia there are 3 different stages of Courts. first there is the settlement's courts, then the procinical courts and the last instance is the Megistos, consisting of the elder sage, the Minister and Vice Ministers of Law and Courts and 18 High Judges. The highest possible penalty is 200 years in prison, which only the Megistos can impse. If a crime is worthy for this sentence, it is immidiatly brought before the Megistos, where the sentence is made. In any other reason, the smallest possible court imoses a penalty. In prison, inmates are held in cells that would seem like hotelrooms to foreners, but they are not allowed any kind of education, books or magic inside, which is seen as a severe punishment.

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