Quan He, Enlightened Scholar Character in Zennith | World Anvil
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Quan He, Enlightened Scholar (Kwan-Hee)

Domain: Knowledge, Arcana

Alignment: Neutral Good

Past Life: He was a Eladrin College of Lore Bard

Weapon: Quarterstaff

Realm: Feywild

Allies: Isayama, Ashikaga

Enemies: Jeeo, Invader of Minds


Quan He spent many years studying magic and its inner workings as his time as a mortal. He dived deeper and further into magic than any other wizard, sorcerer, or caster of any type of the time. Through a combination of magic and knowledge he discovered many spells and ways to work magic that no one else could perform. From this he also discovered a spell and state of mind in which he trasnceded his mortal body and achieved godhood through enlightenment and arcana skill. Many have tried to reproduce his results with no success as of yet. Many have had disastrous outcomes trying to copy Quan He.

Appearance in Zhen Gho

Quan He does not have any major temples within Zhen Gho. He has smaller temples and many shrines throughout that are dedicated to him. However where he is seen most often is in schools of all levels. Many Wizard schools and towers have a dedication to him and study his work as a mortal. While not many wizards and sorcerers worship him directly they do use him as an example for how to learn and study magic. Those dedicated to belief in him strive to learn as much about the world and the nature of magic as they possible can.


In life Quan He was an Eladrin of the Spring Court College of Lore Bard. He spent his early years learning the trade of the bard and sang all over Zhen Gho during the age of Heroes. He was an inspiration to his group as they adventured throughout Zhen Gho as city states were joining the Republic. His adventuring party, the Brandished Light, consisted of him, a cleric of light, a oath of redemption paladin, and a Clockwork Soul Sorcerer. His companions names have been lost to time but his has not been. They were called upon in times when extraplanar threats were in action. They specilized in fighting off demons and devils specifically. Through this fighting and speciality Quan He studied everything he could on planes of existence and the denizens that lived in them.

His study went beyond his first premise. He soon found that in order to understand one part he needed an undersatnding of something else. As he learned about that he had to learn about a foundational pillar of that study as well. Before too long he was condsidered one of the most sought after individuals for unique and useful knowledge in Zhen Gho. He didn't stop there though. He dived headlong into arcane study as well learning spells from all different sorts of casters and more advanced spells in his own field. Before too long he discovered a very special spell. With this spell he as able to cast it on himself while under a very enlightened state and shed his mortal body. In that moment he became the diety of knowledge and the arcane in Zhen Gho

Within the Feywild Quan He became the ruling diety and Lord there. He was actually quite familiar with the plane having been an Eladrain in his mortal life, and from his extensive study. There he was able to navigate the political landscape and continue to increase his knowledge. He defintely knows that he is the smartest diety of the Zhen Gho Pantheon and is not afraid to show it. He continually is interjecting himself into conversations and situations to offer his deep reserve of knowledge to those that obviously need it. One such person who constantly gets his advice is Imari. She is so impulsive that he feels it is his responsibility to guide, direct, and advise her in how to act. He is at odds with Jeeo because of how she goes about her magic. She uses mind control magic quite often and believes you can take anything you want simply by taking people's abilities and knowledge. Quan He admirers learning more but that knowledge should be shared freely and not taken or used to control others.

by MidJourney


by MidJourney


by MidJourney

Cover image: by MidJourney


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