Naiako Species in Zaris | World Anvil


Basic Information


The Naiako are a humanoid species with slender bodies and long, graceful limbs. Their skin is smooth and dolphin-like, and they have a neck that connects their head to their torso. Their head is shaped like a falling raindrop, and their facial features are delicate and expressive. Their shoulders are narrow and their feet are elongated and slender, allowing them to move gracefully through the water. Their anatomy and morphology are adapted for life in the water and for graceful, fluid movement.

Biological Traits

For the Naiako, the average life span is 100-120 years, with a life expectancy of around 90-100 years. The average height is 5 feet, with a weight range of 80-120 pounds. However, there can be variations within these ranges, with some Naiako living longer or shorter lives, and some being taller or shorter than the average.

Genetics and Reproduction

The Naiako reproduce by splitting into two halves and attaching their opposite sides together. During this process, the halves regenerate and a new Naiako is formed. This reproductive process leaves the Naiako weakened for a period of time. After the parents split and their opposite sides attach, a cocoon is formed around the developing offspring. The gestation period for this species is approximately three months. During this time, the parents remain near the cocoon to protect and care for their young. Once the offspring is ready to hatch, the cocoon splits open and the young Naiako emerges. The parents will then continue to care for and nurture their young until they are old enough to fend for themselves.

Growth Rate & Stages

The gestation period is approximately 3 months, and the Naiako will then reach sexual maturity within 3-5 years before reaching full adulthood at 20 years old.

Ecology and Habitats

The normal geographic location for these creatures would likely be in or near bodies of water. They can be found in lakes, rivers, oceans, or any other water source. This is because the creature is adapted to living in and around water, and would need access to a water source in order to survive. Additionally, their graceful and elegant movements, as well as their water-based name, suggest that they are well-suited to living in a watery environment. It is possible that they could also be found in other areas, such as forests or mountains, but their primary habitat would likely be near water.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Naiako are omnivores, feeding on a varied diet that includes both plants and animals. They have a natural instinct for finding nourishing food sources and know which ones to avoid. They are skilled hunters and foragers, using their senses and knowledge of the local environment to find the best sources of sustenance. They are also able to process and digest a wide range of foods, allowing them to adapt to changes in their environment and take advantage of new food sources as they become available. Overall, the Naiako have a balanced and diverse diet that helps them thrive in their underwater world.

Biological Cycle

During times of celestial activity, the Naiako enter a state of heightened awareness and power. Their skin glows with a luminescent blue light, and their eyes widen to take in their surroundings. They gain the ability to levitate, allowing them to move effortlessly through the water. This state is believed to be a gift from the gods, and the Naiako often use it to perform sacred rituals and ceremonies. It is a time of great reverence and spiritual connection for them.


The Naiako are graceful and peaceful creatures. They are typically calm and gentle, but can be fierce when necessary. They value harmony and community, and often work together to achieve their goals. They have a deep connection to the water and the creatures that live there, and are protective of their homes and families. Despite their peaceful nature, the Naiako are skilled hunters and foragers, able to adapt to different environments and situations in order to survive.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The Naiako have a matriarchal society, with a queen at the head of the collective. The queen is chosen by the previous queen and is typically the most powerful and wise individual among the Naiako. The queen is responsible for making decisions on behalf of the collective and ensuring the well-being of the community. The Naiako place a strong emphasis on unity and cooperation, and value wisdom, strength, and harmony.



Uses, Products & Exploitation

The Naiako are not hunted by other creatures in their world. They are a peaceful and intelligent species, with a strong sense of community and cooperation.

Facial characteristics

The average Naiako has a head that is elongated and tapered, with a small mouth and nose. Their eyes are large and almond-shaped, with a slight upward tilt at the corners. They have delicate, pointed ears that extend slightly from their head. Overall, their facial features are graceful and refined, giving them a gentle and peaceful appearance.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They are frequently found in water features such as lakes, rivers and oceans.

Average Intelligence

8/10. Very intelligent but limited by their physiology and environment

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They have sharp, elongated eyes that are well-suited for seeing in the murky depths of their aquatic environment. They also have keen hearing, allowing them to detect sounds from great distances. In addition, their senses are heightened in other ways, such as being able to detect changes in water pressure or temperature. Their bodies are sleek and agile, allowing them to move quickly through the water. Overall, the Naiako are well-adapted to their aquatic environment.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

N/A - to be determined

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

The Naiako have a matriarchal society, with female leaders and decision-makers. Their names often reflect their connection to the water and the ethereal, with names like Aqua, Luna, and Marina being common for females. Male names often have stronger, more powerful connotations, such as Oceanus, Sol, and Tidal. Last names are often based on the individual's occupation or notable accomplishment, such as Hunter or Protector. The Naiako value community and cooperation, and their naming traditions reflect this.

Major Organizations

Council of elders: The main governing body of the Naiako is the Council of Elders, which consists of the most respected and wise members of the Naiako society. The council is responsible for making important decisions and setting the overall direction for the Naiako people.   Order of Naiadar: Another important organization is the Order of Naiadar, which is a group of highly trained and skilled Naiako who serve as both protectors and spiritual guides for their people. The Order is responsible for maintaining the spiritual traditions and teachings of the Naiako, and is often called upon to mediate disputes and conflicts within the community.   Temple of the great aquatic spirit:  The temple of the great aquatic spirit is a religious establishment that focuses on worshiping and honoring the great aquatic spirit, who is believed to have created the Naiako. The temple is a place of spiritual contemplation and guidance for the Naiako, and is run by a group of priests who serve as leaders and advisers for the community. The temple also serves as a hub for community events and gatherings, and is a central location for the sharing of knowledge and wisdom among the Naiako.   Collective of the Sentient: The Collective of the Sentient is an organization that represents the interests of the various sentient species in the world. It is a political and diplomatic group that seeks to promote peace and cooperation among its member species.   Academy of Celestial Studies: The Academy of Celestial Studies is an organization dedicated to researching and studying the connections and effects of celestial events on the Naiako and their abilities. This includes researching the alignment of planets, phases of the moon, and other celestial phenomena.   Association of Naiako Trade and Commerce: The Association of Naiako Trade and Commerce is an organization that facilitates trade and commerce between the various Naiako societies and other species in the Collective of the Sentient. This includes setting trade agreements, overseeing fair trade practices, and working to promote economic growth and development within Naiako society.

Beauty Ideals

In Naiako society, the beauty ideal revolves around graceful and elegant physical features, as well as inner peace and serenity. A mate who is considered attractive and desirable would possess these qualities, as well as being intelligent and kind. The Naiako also value honesty and loyalty in their relationships, and place a strong emphasis on the bonds of family and community.

Gender Ideals

The Naiako have a relatively fluid view of gender and do not place a strong emphasis on traditional gender roles. In their society, individuals are judged based on their abilities and personal qualities rather than their gender.

Courtship Ideals

In Naiako society, courtship is a sacred and ritualistic process. It begins with the exchange of gifts and messages, followed by spending time together and getting to know each other. If a couple feels a strong connection, they may perform a bonding ceremony where they exchange vows and bind their life forces together. This bond is considered sacred and unbreakable.

Relationship Ideals

In Naiako society, a good relationship is one that is based on mutual respect, trust, and understanding. In courtship, Naiako tend to be quite formal and traditional, often exchanging gifts and spending time together in order to get to know each other better. Once a couple is in a relationship, they typically spend a lot of time together, engaging in activities that they both enjoy and supporting each other in their endeavors.

Average Technological Level

The Naiako have developed a unique method of harnessing celestial energy, which allows them to create powerful weapons and tools. These tools are highly prized by other species, and the Naiako have become known for their advanced understanding of the stars and their ability to manipulate celestial energy. In their courtship rituals, the giving of a celestial weapon is seen as a sign of commitment and love. The crafting of these weapons is a highly respected skill, passed down through generations of Naiako artisans.   The Naiako have a natural ability to navigate and sense the movements of celestial bodies, which they have refined through the use of advanced instruments and technology. They have developed highly accurate maps and charts that allow them to navigate the waters and skies with precision, as well as predict the movements of celestial bodies. This has given them a significant advantage in trade and exploration, allowing them to traverse the vast oceans and skies with ease.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The Naiakon language is a soft, flowing language that is heavily influenced by their aquatic heritage. It is primarily spoken, but also incorporates elements of sign language and body language. The written form of the language uses flowing, curving symbols that are similar to the shapes of waves and ocean currents. Naiakons are known for their eloquence and ability to communicate with other species, and their language is considered one of the most beautiful and expressive in the world.   The Naiako have a main language that is spoken by all members of their society. However, there may be regional dialects or variations that arise due to geographical or cultural differences. For example, a Naiako living in a coastal region may have a slightly different accent or vocabulary compared to one living in a more inland area. Additionally, there may be different languages or communication methods used by other species within the collective of the sentient, leading to a need for translation or interpretation.   Naiadaran is the language spoken by the Naiako, the aquatic and celestial beings that are said to have been created by the great aquatic spirit, also known as Naiadar. The language is known for its flowing, melodic nature, and has a strong emphasis on tonality and intonation. There are several dialects of Naiadaran, each with its own unique characteristics, but all share a common grammatical structure and core vocabulary. Naiadaran is widely spoken among the Naiako, and is also used by other members of the collective of the sentient as a lingua franca for interspecies communication.

Common Etiquette Rules

The Naiako are a peaceful and graceful species, so common etiquette among them involves showing respect and kindness to others. They value honesty, integrity, and harmony in their relationships and interactions with others. Physical displays of affection, such as hand-holding or hugging, are common among friends and loved ones. It is considered polite to ask for permission before entering someone's personal space or touching their belongings. Naiako also have a strong connection to their aquatic environment, so it is important to them to protect and preserve the natural world around them.

Common Dress Code

The Naiako dress in loose, flowing clothing made of silk or other lightweight materials. They often adorn themselves with jewelry and other decorative items, particularly items that reflect their connection to the water and the celestial. In general, their clothing is designed to be comfortable and functional while also showcasing their grace and elegance.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The Naiako are known for their grace and beauty, and their culture reflects this. They value artistic expression and often incorporate elements of nature into their art and clothing. They have a strong connection to the water and the celestial bodies, and their religious beliefs revolve around the Great Aquatic Spirit and the goddess Naiadar. The Naiako are also skilled navigators and have advanced technology for sea travel. In their relationships, they value loyalty and devotion, and often form strong bonds with their mates. Overall, the Naiako are a peaceful and harmonious society.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

The Naiako have many common customs and traditions that are observed throughout their society. One of the most prominent is the annual celebration of the alignment of the planets, during which the Naiako engage in rituals and ceremonies to honor their connection to the celestial realm. Another common tradition is the gathering of the entire community to celebrate the birth of a new child, during which gifts and blessings are bestowed upon the young Naiako. Additionally, the Naiako place great importance on the passing down of their history and traditions through storytelling and the preservation of ancient artifacts and texts. The annual festival of the great aquatic spirit, where they give thanks for their aquatic way of life and pay respects to their deity. Another tradition is the coming of age ceremony, where young Naiakons are officially welcomed into adulthood. Additionally, the Naiako have a strong tradition of storytelling, where they pass down their history and cultural values through tales of the great aquatic spirit and other legendary figure

Common Taboos

It is taboo for the Naiako to kill or harm another sentient being without just cause. It is also taboo for them to disrespect the goddess Naiadar or any of the other deities they worship. Additionally, it is taboo for them to engage in promiscuous or immoral behavior. It is also taboo for a Naiako to refuse to help another in need, or to refuse to share resources. The Naiako place a strong emphasis on community and cooperation, and any behavior that goes against these values is considered taboo.

Historical Figures

(Names will come later)   The first Naiako to make contact with a non-Naiako species The founder of the Academy of Celestial Studies The leader of the collective of the sentient during a time of inter-species conflict The creator of a widely-used Naiako navigational system The discoverer of a new landmass or territory for the Naiako to settle on.   (Placeholder names) Queen Naiadara the Great, known for uniting the Naiako people and establishing the Collective of the Sentient. Queen Naiadara the Wise, known for her diplomatic abilities and negotiating peaceful relations with other species. Queen Naiadara the Brave, known for leading the Naiako people in battles against their enemies and expanding their territory. Queen Naiadara the Just, known for implementing fair and equal laws for all members of Naiako society. Queen Naiadara the Builder, known for overseeing the construction of impressive architectural feats and improving Naiako infrastructure.

Common Myths and Legends

The creation myth of the Naiako: This myth tells the story of how the Naiako were created by the Great Aquatic Spirit. It describes the first Naiako, the challenges they faced, and how they came to live in harmony with the world around them. The legend of the first Naiako to reach the stars: This legend tells the story of a brave Naiako who dared to explore the vastness of space. It describes their journey and the dangers they faced, as well as the incredible sights they saw along the way.   The myth of the Naiako's connection to the celestial bodies: This myth explains the Naiako's special connection to the stars and planets. It describes how they are able to tap into the power of the celestial bodies, and how they use this power to enhance their abilities and improve their lives.   The legend of the Naiako's lost city: This legend tells the story of a great Naiako city that was lost to the depths of the ocean. It describes the city's beauty and wonder, as well as the tragedy that befell it. The legend is said to hold the key to finding the lost city and unlocking its secrets.   The myth of the Naiako's eternal youth: This myth tells the story of a group of Naiako who discovered the secret to eternal youth. It describes their quest to find the source of this power, and the challenges they faced along the way. The myth is said to hold the key to unlocking the secret of eternal youth and unlocking its power for all Naiako.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Naiako are generally open and accepting of other sapient species. They value peaceful coexistence and cooperation with other intelligent beings. They have a strong sense of community and believe in working together for the greater good. However, they are also protective of their own kind and may be cautious of other species that pose a threat to their way of life.
110 years
Average Height
5 feet
Average Weight
100 lbs
Average Physique
The average Naiako has a slender, graceful physique with smooth skin that ranges in color from light blue to deep navy. They have a long neck and a tapered head with large, almond-shaped eyes and small, pointed ears. Their hands and feet are webbed, allowing them to swim efficiently, and they have a fin-like appendage on their back for additional propulsion in water.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The Naiako have a pale, silvery-blue skin color that shimmers and glows slightly in the light. Their eyes are large and round, with irises that match their skin color. They have a long, slender neck, and their body is slender and graceful. They have small, delicate hands and feet, and their body is covered in intricate, swirling markings and patterns. These patterns are unique to each individual and are often used to identify them within their communities.

Cover image: by MidJourney


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