The Concord of the Cosmos Building / Landmark in Zamthjani | World Anvil

The Concord of the Cosmos

Zamthjani has been home to many structures throughout it's history, yet none more enigmatic and significant than the supposed "The Concord of the Cosmos", also stylized as "The Cosmic Concord"   "The Concord", as it was colloquially called, was a towering pillar placed in the exact center of the borderworlds landmass. It's origin and purpose, was shrouded in mystery, even scholars who lived in the republics hayday were puzzled on the former, with massive interest on the latter (though this does not mean that theories haven't emerged on either, some quite plausible to be true)  


  As has already been mentioned in the past paragraph, the concord was a massive pillar, special emphasis on the massive. It shape was like that of a tree, firmly implanted in the soil. It had a massive width of about 150 meters, and had a height reaching into the unknown, with no clear estimate on just how high the structure was. On it's very tip, in a leafless canopy was a great rotating ball of fire (what we would call a sun) that illuminated the land during daylight hours. At it's bottom, it's roots branched out and formed a massive dome. Surprisingly, despite the dome covering the ground in darkness by shielding it from light, had a distinct ceiling that looked almost identical to the night sky, even during daylight hours where the only light illuminated in the dome came from small stars barely luminating the area.   As far as it's material was concerned, it likewise carried a great deal of questions. Interestingly, on the surface it seems to have a texture similar to that of mushroom, with great cracks along the entire structure, but touching it reveals it to be considerably soft. Not in the way that you could sink your whole finger in, but enough to form a slight dent with considerable effort. These sensory touches also illuminated another element of the pillar. Upon touching it, testers could feel a hum, and buzz on the other side of the material. Prolonged exposure to this buzz and hum actually seemed to put the testers in a catatonic state, and had to be pried away from the structure to restore conciousness. These test help illuminate further as to the nature of the pillar, as it now seemed to be   Attempts were made to extract the material in the hopes of further study (and potentially, harness it for it's energy), but the material proved to be too sturdy, nigh indestructible.

Origin and Purpose

As to the matter of it's origin, this is where the waters get murky. Scholars only really found religious explanations to it's origin, much to their dismay. Because of the structures significance to the Zamthjanites, it found itself the center of various major religions throughout the world, most prolifically among "Yasnites" (Old faith believers). According to them, the structure was erected by the "king of kings" or "King of the gods", who created it to govern the thoughts of the subjects he and the other old gods ruled over.   Supposedly, before it was created, the gods took issue with their subordinates becoming manipulated by evil forces. Rather than praying and worshipping the various gods, they began to think differently, they began to think about themselves the king of the gods then poured all his power into a creation to enforce a certain mindset, and the Concord was then raised as a result, to ensure that everyone in the cosmos (excluding the gods, of course) agreed with divine command (Hence the title of concord).   However this would not last.  

The Mad God myth

Though the concord prevented any "heretical thoughts" from being enacted upon, it did not completely remove them from the Psyche. They remained in the subconschious of the people, lying and forming a shadow on the mind that begged to be released. It's believed, through the usage of Psycho-Materialism, that the culminated desire for freedom created a massive Psychic-whiplash, which gave birth to a new god of freedom. This god of freedom manifested himself at the very top of the concord, causing a massive explosion which blew up the top of the Concord from the inside and formed the canopy.   The subsequent backlash from the Concord being taken out of action, caused the minds of people to split into two sections, giving rise to the concept of the inner world. The destruction of the Concord also led to a massive ball of fire which is set to provide a gateway directly into The Outerworld   The light of this gateway then enlightened the mind with concepts, ideas we will now be able to play around with as we see fit, regardless of enforced morality. Although some scholars argue for the opposite, that The Outerworld was created as a result of people beginning to conceptualize all that they began to percieve which formed it.   The Mad God then battled the gods AND devils, defeating them, crushing their souls into dust, and proclaimed freedom for all living things. However, over the following centuries, people took their freedom for granted. They began to organize again, individuals proclaimed themselves God-kings and formed kingdoms and empires, and many of the same behaviours that the Mad God has fought against began to reappear. Being a god of freedom, the Mad God could not interfere, and he subsequently went mad at the realisation of the nihility of his existence.


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