The Grave Waters Geographic Location in Zameen | World Anvil

The Grave Waters

The waters surrounding The Blasted Lands have come to be known as the Grave Waters, in reference to the belief that no one comes back alive. Attempts to sail into the Grave Waters almost universally end in doom, and any sailor with his wits intact will flatly refuse to attempt it. The rare survivors to come back to civilization describe ships suddenly plunging beneath the waves like stones, night-black shapes moving beneath the water, and hundreds of face down humanoid bodies moving along the surface of the water together like a pod of surfaced whales. Occasionally, a ship will accidentally end up in the Grave Waters, either chased there by pirates, or blown off course by a storm. Sailors working the coasts of Nehemen and Noctabia tell stories in hushed tones of ships sailing back out of the mists, crewed only by corpses, and bearing no signs of struggle; these tales must often be pried forth with strong drinks placed in the shaking hands of the storyteller.
Coast / Shore

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