Orbarrow Geographic Location in Zameen | World Anvil


Orbarrow is the informal name of the region where the Rhi'vul and Ser'vul rivers meet. It's mostly full of lawless "barge-towns," river settlements where trade barges that make runs between Noctabia, the Khalvarn mountains and Bilu, a city at the edge of the Kartheesi plains that serves as a hub for land caravans running to NehemenĀ and the The Karthin Cities.   The fact that Orbarrow is "lawless" doesn't mean it's a good place to try to get unruly. The big time barge runners hire mercenaries to protect their livelihood, and the barge culture in general doesn't breed pushovers. Trying something shady in the Karthin Cities will get you in trouble with the law, trying something in Orbarrow will get you tied to an anvil and dumped in the river.   The lands of Orbarrow that aren't occupied by a river are almost entirely some other form of wetlands: marshes, bogs, and swamps.


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