Coruscatum Material in Zameen | World Anvil


Coruscatum is the radiant crystal residue of Tel Ramiya's destruction.   It resembles formations of quartz, but with a faint yellow glow at the center. Any piece larger than a human fist held up in darkness will shed dim light for five feet or so. The crystals are also faintly warm to the touch, but not unpleasantly so, and there is no pain in handling them.   Coruscatum is most valued as a sort of universal enchanting material. Most known recipes for enchanting an item have at least one item that could be replaced with coruscatum. Sometimes, coruscatum is even used to enhance already complete formulas. The only issue with this is that it can only be found at the site of Tel Ramiya's destruction, and the main source of it is the The Weedpriests of Khasahn, who gather it during their Grand Pilgrimage.


Physical & Chemical Properties

Many people report a gentle hum of vibration when holding a large crystal in hand.    Extreme physical shock, such as a solid blow to a crystal face with a pickaxe, may sometimes rupture the hard crystals and release the radiant energy stored within. This explosion will range in power from a typical festival firecracker to a legitimate threat to the safety of nearby people, depending on variables like crystal size, purity, strength of blow, etc.
Similar to ozone
Crystalline, clear, with yellow glow from within


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