Amit Character in Zameen | World Anvil


Amit is the creator of the universe. Little else is known of him. If the other gods know anything else, they haven't let on. What knowledge mortal clergy and scholars have been able to assemble is that Amit crafted the world, then simply decided he was finished and left. It is unclear if he also created the other gods, or if they arrived after his departure.   Worshipers of Amit are generally dwarves, and a few gnomes and humans, who work in a profession of craftsmanship. They don't expect their prayers to be answered, and don't worship in any organized way. They live by a mantra of "Building, not caring." and revere him as a representation of craftsmanship as a pure art, divorced from other concerns, such as politics or economics.
Divine Classification
Overdeity/Creator God
Creation, Cosmos
Smiths and Craftsmen among the Khalvari dwarves, no clergy
The Creator


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