Huzuz Settlement in Zakhara | World Anvil


The City of Delights, nestled between the Golden Gulf and Suq Bay, is one of Zakhara's most spectacular cities. Its shimmering spires can be seen for miles across the water, inviting sailors to approach. Here the first Grand Caliph received the vision of the Loregiver, which contained Fate's wisdom and the Law. Today the city is still the seat of the Grand Caliph, the "heart of the heart" of the enlightened lands.


The people of Huzuz are by nature as tolerant as they are diverse. Racial and religious differences do not present a problem. Even far-removed faiths and ideas are treated with more amusement than fear. Every style of fashion in the Land of Fate can be found on the city's streets. Every type of product made in the enlightened world can be found here, too-along with a vast array from the lands beyond. The populace of Huzuz are confident in their good fortune, and cannot believe that anything evil would happen to the Enlightened Throne and their most puissant Grand Caliph.


The Court of the Grand Caliph runs the day-to-day governance of Zakhara at large. Specifically comprised of The Grand Vizier, The Grand Caliphs Wives, Ambassadors, The Princes and Princesses of the Court, and The Imams. The court also contains hundreds of various petitioners from other Caliphs, thousands of Qadi, and tens of thousands low-level bureaucrats.


10,000 footmen; 2,000 imperial cavalry; five 50-man wings of hippogriff cavalry; an imperial palace guard comprising 1,000; three mercenary units (2,100 strong combined five units of mamluk infantry (5,000 strong combined, with one unit for each of these groups: the Dutiful, the Faithful, the Valiant, the Studious, the Honored three units of mamluk cavalry (900 strong combined, representing the Dutiful, the Valiant, and the Dauntless naval base for 40 imperial ships with crews, who are charged with patrolling the Golden Gulf and Suq Bay; plus the Magical Legion, a unit of 75 wizards of varying level, each with a flying carpet. The city also boasts a reserve force of jann warriors, whose exact number is not common knowledge. Footmen serve as patrols and the city guard. They are led by the chancellor of the city, Makin al-Mutrattab. Cavalry, hippogriffs, and the palace guard are under the direct command of Prince Cheddah. Mercenaries are under the command of Thokkor. All mamluks answer to Preani Qin, including the Honored, a detachment of eunuchs used as harem guards in the palace. The navy serves under the command of Grand Admiral Haroun ibn Abbak, though they may be led by Jiraad, ambassador from the Genie Courts. Jiraad is also responsible for the jann auxiliaries. The wizards serve under the command of the Grand Vizier, but in battle they are led by the White Agate (see Key Figures Outside the Court).


Being both a massive trade city and the center of governance and religion, Huzuz has every industry one can imagine. The city makes every effort to ensure the easy flow of goods and money between all prospective buyers and merchants. The Industrial District is flanked by the Merchant, Port, and Caravan Districts. The Merchant District has easy access to the Capitol district. And the Holy Sites of Huzuz are all nestled comfortably, away from all of the hubbub, in living districts.
Founding Date
805 DR
Alternative Name(s)
The Golden City
Ruling/Owning Rank


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