Imperial Maritime Guard Organization in Zada | World Anvil
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Imperial Maritime Guard

The Imperial Maritime Guard is the water-based portion of the Nelkheti Empire's military. They are responsible for protecting commerce from treacherous pirates, responding to emergencies at sea and on the coast, and transporting goods and personnel for the Pacification Forces and other branches of the government. The World-King is the leader of these forces, but he generally deigns to allow his admirals and captains to carry out the navy's business as they see fit.   The bulk of the mariners are Marceddi nationals, though there are numerous Nelkheti captains and admirals, and Bagarans make up most of the marine corps. While in the past oar- and sail-driven vessels have been standard, the bulk of the navy's vessels are now at least partially steam-driven, and ironclads are becoming an increasingly common sight.   The Rihalites, due to the privileges granted to them as a result of their ancient king's foresight in willingly submitting to the World-King, have a military force separate to the greater Imperial military. While the Rihalite Navy is, obviously, still subject to the orders of the World-King, the king of Rihal has command over their structure and activities unless superceded by the World-King.

In Defence of His Majesty's Waters

Military, Navy
Alternative Names
The Imperial Navy


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