Crude Kearei Material in Yuruida | World Anvil

Crude Kearei

This location-specific crude oil makes up the underlayers of the Shifting Dunes. Crude kearei is much heavier and denser than the dunes resting on it, causing the sand to float above it. When refined, kearei is an incredibly powerful fuel that burns for an extended period of time, longer than common oil. It can be used to make stronger plastics than common oil, and can be made into a powerful crimson dye.


Material Characteristics

Crude kearei is an incredibly thick, greasy liquid. It will appear black in large amounts, but is a dull crimson when spread or held. Crude kearei is sometimes compared to tar in appearance, with more of a grimy than sticky texture.

Physical & Chemical Properties

As a form of oil, crude kearei is incredibly flammable and can be corrosive at high temperatures. It can cause irritation and sores when contact is made with bare skin, and can cause serious health issues when breathed in or swallowed.

Geology & Geography

Crude kearei can only be naturally found in the underlayers of the Shifting Dunes. There is no other known location of natural crude kearei.

History & Usage


Due to the dangers of physical contact and the desert covering it, crude kearei was historically seen as too much of a hassle despite the benefits.


Crude kearei can be made into many different forms of refined kearei, through a process similar to common oil.

Manufacturing & Products

Lighter refined kearei can be used in products safe for most consumers, such as oil lamps and cosmetics, while heavier refined kearei can be used for various industrial purposes, such as generating electricity, heating, fueling vehicles, and forming metal-like plastic.

Byproducts & Sideproducts

Two main byproducts of kearei refinement include kearei-vei and kaiyae.

Kearei-vei is a dangerous waste product, sometimes used in weapons to worsen the damage. It causes blisters and ulcers to form near the applied flesh, and can deform scales when dense.

Kaiyae, on the other hand, is an extremely thin liquid that is safe for consumption. It is commonly used to add an earthy blood-like flavor to desert cuisine.


Trade & Market

Crude kearei is considered an exotic material, as it is dangerous to collect, and can only be found in the underlayers of the Shifting Dunes.

Rotten Meat
Dull, Off-Black Crimson
Common State
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