Clan Aenun Organization in Yuruida | World Anvil

Clan Aenun

The clan directly descended from Aenuneir. Mostly blood-related descendants, though people of other bloodlines can be accepted as clan members through marriage, adoption, or as an honorary reward.

"What would be considered a current controversy in your world?"
Which "Clan Aenun" is the real Clan Aenun, aka which clan is descended from Aenuneir's heir. He had many children with his spouse, and there's many others that claimed to be illegitimate, abandoned, or otherwise lost. The original Clan Aenun sprouted in many ways among his children, but it's no longer remembered which of them recieved Aenuneir's blessing in leading his clan.
  Technically, they're all Clan Aenun. To outsiders, it seems like it's more about who gets to boss around who rather than which clan is legitimate.

Controlled Territories


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