The Deeps Geographic Location in Yore | World Anvil
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The Deeps

Accessed via various caverns, ravines and fissures in the Galentaur, or through the various passages that wind downwards from the Durmarthgrod at the eastern edge of Qualimor, the Deeps comprise a vast network of caverns and tunnels that were carved by murky waters filtering out from the Festering Marshes, and subsequently expanded by an ancient kingdom of Dwarfs.   Nowadays that kingdom is long gone, replaced by strange aberrations and deep-dwelling monsters of the Underdark.   Within its uppermost levels can be found tribes of savage Grimlocks and the Neblinhala of the Svirfneblin, or Deep Gnomes. Several miles of waterlogged tunnels connect this civilisation to the bioluminescent wonders of the Myconid melds, which in turn connect eventually to the sprawling subterranean city of Nidlhammer, home to the grim and bloodthirsty Duergar under the rule of King Moradin.   Deeper still lie evil Derro, Drow and untold horrors. Some of the Qualinesti Elves even believe there to be a hive colony of Illithids lurking somewhere in the bowels of the Deeps. So far none has returned to confirm the truth of this supposition.
Cave System

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