Sitting in the Khanaa System all on its own orbiting a small main sequence star, Khanaa is commonly known as the Blood Planet. Khanaa's proximity to its star has raised its temperature to over 2,500 degrees Celsius. The name "Blood Planet" comes from its gaseous consistency, made up of 68% blood vapour.
The other components of this gas giant are krypton, neon, helium, gaseous mercury and giant iron pellets. Few organisms can survive here - most have an innate connection to sanguimancy, or blood magic.
Blood Trails
Every so often small tendrils reach out of Khanaa, attempting to grasp at anything in its vicinity. These trails are animalistic in nature, seemingly reaching out and trying to grab any spacecrafts or meteors that get too close.
They snatch up any megafauna, dragging them into their blood-boiled demise. Local scientists have attempted to have the tendrils drag in recording devices to document what happens inside the planet, but unfortunately atmospheric interference cuts out all footage.
The ecosystems of Khanaa are some that biologists have been dying to study for hundreds of years. It is almost guaranteed that life in this planet has some connection to blood magic. Several species native to Khanaa can survive in space, frequently migrating to the Khanaan Belt to lay eggs.
Shrimptails, while they may not look it, can fly at speeds of up to a hundred miles per hour. They have stretchy skin between their arms and legs, and together with their powerful tails, they can navigate the gas giant and space at high speeds.
They are quite docile animals, having been used in many ethical studies to research the intelligence of Khanaan wildlife.
Distance From Sun
0.2 AU
I kind of love the shrimptail, not going to lie. Scary planet though. D:
So scary, but shrimptails are looovely :D