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Testing the patience of the Forever Storm are ectovies. Fulgurmagical inanimals, these cloud-like ovines are a perplexing species. They are one of few creatures that thrive inside the Forever Storm, feeding off its energy and terrorising local wildlife.


Eggy Placeholder by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Ectovies cannot be easily studied on Temperil. They rarely leave the Forever Storm, conveniently staying close to any rogue attacking strands, making them hard to even observe. When seen, ectovies appear as a large grey cloud, distinct from the rest of the storm. A smaller cloud floats directly in front of the larger cloud, shaping out a head similar to a sheep (Ovis aries).

Ectovies greatly range in size, anywhere from around a metre in length to a whopping mile. The largest ectovis was documented two hundred years ago, many refusing to believe it ever existed. Truth be told, it's far from unrealistic. They presumably have no skeletal structure or functioning organs, relying solely on a magical existence.


Ectovies have not been seen "eating" in the conventional sense, but it is believed that they feed off the Forever Storm. Several have been sighted glowing upon entering the storm, returning larger and more powerful. With no digestive system, it is unlikely they can process food like most other organisms.


These inanimals live in packs, seen typically in groups of five to twenty individuals. Ectovies have been documented combining into one organism and then dividing itself again, suggesting a hivemind existence. The exact nature of this ability is still unknown to the people of Temperil.


Fulgurmancy is a rarely seen type of magic. Fulgurmancy isn't fully understood but scientists are aware that it has powered the Forever Storm, letting it grow stronger. The titanic copper rods embedded into the lands of Temperil have been powering up the storm for many years, and it seems to have a similar effect on ectovies.

Ectovies gather round these rods in their packs, chasing after any animal that gets too close. They shoot small bolts of lightning at the ground, aiming for innocent creatures trying to flee the Forever Storm.

Scientific Name
Ectovis fulgur
Average Weight
Average Length
1 metre - 1 mile
Geographic Distribution

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Author's Notes

Thank you AwsmChimera for the idea!

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