Burning Mote

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Burning Mote by Mochi

Burning motes are useful pyromagical gadgets used to keep fires forever burning. Many restaurants and other culinary facilities have burning motes in their ovens, burning forever with no cost.

These magical items are created by blessing a piece of charcoal and then casting a simple flameturner's spell on it. The combination of the two ignites a fiery passion within the charcoal that keeps it burning forever.

Burning motes are common on Maloruno, where they have become a staple with nomadic groups. The resident firekeeper in a nomad group will keep hold of the burning mote, serving as the firestarter every time they settle for a short while.

They are also fairly common in spacecrafts, used to convert oxygen into carbon dioxide, for species that require carbon dioxide to breathe, such as the eufarasi. Due to the simple creation and availability, burning motes are some of the most widespread magical items in the Yonderverse, so much so that many do not realise they have a magical origin. Spme that rebel against magic use burning motes in their day-to-day lives, completely oblivious.


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