Umix in Ylly | World Anvil


Mon'z : sapient beastkin of varying phenotypes.   Haraspax : someone or something that studies under Yozivservong. Almost entirely Mon'z, but not exclusively.   ======   Umix - this continent is covered almost entirely by vibrant, diverse, and exotic lifeforms. The Mon'z live here, and their Haraspax maintain the jungles they call home. A large number of deities have taken up residence here, as the Flora and fauna is hostile to most mortals considered annoying. This continent has a very noticeable equilateral triangle shape.     Umix is a continent with boundless natural beauty.   The most prominent geographical regions :
  • A lush jungle
  • Rolling hills
  • Barrier Reefs
  • Prairies and Plains
  • Savannah
  • An Archipelago
  • A large bay
  • A singular Mesa
  • An inland Sea
  •   Like the other continents, Umix has three massive obsidian towers that reach upward, far beyond the range of vision.       ======   In the jungles, Loud and strange noises constantly echo through the trees as various creatures chitter and yowl. Vibrancy and luminescence are common in edible parts of the plant life, and fruits from this place are usually delicious. This is the safest place for a Mon'z in all of Ylly. The predators here are non-hostile to Mon'z, but viscously attack non-native species.       The hills are home to a rather nutritional species of grain, and large grazing creatures are a common sight. There are several Haraspax outposts in the region to help defend against poachers. The great variety of large animals provides a monetary opportunity for mortals, things like claws and teeth are valuable for reasons that barely surpass aesthetic. Most of the animal is useless to poachers, and the creature will be left behind after the valuable parts are collected.       The barrier reefs, also known as the Bear Claw Reefs, is home to an impressive quantity and diversity of aquatic life. Fishing is a major source of sustenance and trade for the communities in the area. Xenediel has a handful of Elemental Psions deployed in the area to patrol the Reefs, searching for non-native, or unnatural entities to crush with the raw fury of the ocean. It is unknown why Xenediel shows such fondness for the area, but the result is a relatively peaceful and serene landscape.   Some of the fish here are jerks and will jump out of the water to snatch items from those who are unsuspecting. It doesn't seem to be specific to any breed of fish. Most fish are simply snacks with tails, but very rarely will a seemingly random fish turn into an infuriating prankster. The Haraspax suspect some kind of malicious interference. Some of the crustaceans here use strange magics to change the structure of their shells to blend into the surrounding environments. Indistinguishable from its surroundings, even down to their SoulForce. When touched by anything warm blooded, the Shell will explode out like shrapnel.   This place is inspiring in practically every way. Diverse, colorful, filled with sounds and smells of the nearby sea. Some say the "muses" themselves reside in these reefs.       A huge region to the South is covered in unnaturally flat and level plains. The area provides a great opportunity for farming, and beverages the majority of the continent's vegetable supply. Long, winding, and slow moving rivers and streams snake their way through these lands. They seem to flow in an unnatural and almost willful manner. The current is always from the source to the destination, and the water is unhindered by blockages or inclines.       The savannah on Umix is currently under restoration through the Haraspax Terraforming project. The soil in the area got "sick" and leaks a strange energy that is wildly destructive to organic materials, causing insanity and leading to a gruesome death. While they succeeded in preventing the spread of this energy, More than half of the area is still under quarantine while they deal with the damage that has already been done to the area.           To the north is an archipelago of dozens of islands in various shapes and sizes. An ancient war once took hold of the continent. The winner of this war secured victory by decimating this area, leaving behind only a splattering of jagged islands. In the time since, nature has reclaimed the islands, and now they support diverse and thriving ecosystems.   A sort of "circus guild" resides here, and entertainers of all types come from everywhere to chase the glory of fame. Being on the north point of Umix puts it on the side of the continent facing Phanxnoccrim, providing a direct route without having to go around blockades or through border checkpoints. Gods and Kings alike desire entertainment, and this guild never disappoints. It takes pride in knowing it's clientele, and provides an experience specifically catered to the audience.       On the east shore is an inlet to a massive bay that acts as a port and shipyard. One of the few places outsiders can visit. The opportunities here are endless, and many great adventures are easy to stumble upon. Known for having expandable dry docks, the shipwrights are very skilled with the construction of massive ships. The region is surrounded completely by a tall thick wall of thorns, as outsiders are not permitted to roam the rest of the continent. Yozivservong keeps an eye out for suspicious activity, by literally keeping their eye on the region. A portion of Yozivservong's vision is directly bound to the nearby Obsidian Tower.       There is a singular Mesa overlooking the Bay. The Mesa is where the Haraspax primarily live, and the surface is dotted with housing simple infrastructure. At the base of the Mesa is Spax Grove, the home of Yozivservong, as well as where Haraspax are trained.       Some time in the past a geological instability caused an enormous mountain to force it's way to the surface. Shortly after that, the top of that mountain exploded like a volcano. The result was a crater of superfluous size. Xenediel saw the opportunity to reinforce this mountaintop Caldera , and fill it with an immense amount of pure, clear, and SoulForce infused water. It is Xenediel's home to this day. She is frequently drunk on ley energies. Like, sloppy drunk.   There are hot springs that are located near the top of the caldera, and are the sole source of rivers on the continent. This Elemental Lord has a massive amount of SoulForce that literally drips from its being, generating more than enough water to satisfy the thirst of the lands. Xenediel has not left it's water paradise in a long time, and is generally disconcerned with happenings that do not directly affect the water systems it has built.         Evil rot - A recent development, this horrible plague rots away even the ground and air. Originating from a location next to a river outlet, the rot is spreading into the sea and down along the shores with the current.   It creeps up onto the land and spreads deep into the nearby woods. Attempts to get close are met with crushing SoulForce that peels flesh from bone.   ======   The sapients of Umix are mostly BeastKin   The Mon'z live here, and have a great synchronicity, synergy, and symbiosis with the flora and fauna on the continent. Once the Mon'z were simple creatures, until a deity evolved them, and uplifted them to sapience. Who did so and why is an answer that eludes them.   Native creatures that leave this continent have an instinctual urge to return that can be melancholy and debilitating. There's an exception for sapient beings, who deeply miss home regardless of where home is.   Yozivservong, an elemental lord unlike any other, he can utilize strange and chaotic energies that mix together and result in a sort of "nature shamanism" . Very in tune with the "life" element found in the living, followers of Yozivservong make incredible gardeners and healers. Mending the flesh of the world is remarkably similar to tearing it apart, and the ability to heal organics can also be used as a particularly lethal type of destruction magic. Yozivservong is technically a Falderdine, but considered elemental as he can utilize heat energy, and has considerable influence over earth and water elements. This entity constantly exudes large amounts of SoulForce that breathes life into every part of Umix, eventually leading to the extensive ecosystems seen today.   The continent Umix has been through a lot, ecologically speaking. After many millennia of fire and flood, from bleak to lush and back, and being overrun with various types of voracious Flora.   The continent has been under restoration recently. The group responsible gained diplomatic immunity from the majority of the factions in Umix and began to embark on the massive undertaking of Terraforming an entire continent.   Since then and to this day the Haraspax Terraforming project has brought peace, prosperity, and stability to completed areas.     Spax Grove - high on an artificial Mesa , The Haraspax have a rather large, completely enclosed Grove where they reside, plan, and study. The place surges with energy, special plants designed to conduct SoulForce create a faint hum. The Haraspax use this for access to large amounts of stable energy that can be stored in seed pods like batteries for abilities, or rapidly grown later, like thorn wall.   Mon'z capital - A sprawling city complex built from plants and bones, the Capital is home to thousands of Mon'z.


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