Phoius Character in Xogia | World Anvil


Phoius was the Fallen God of life, growth, harvest and science. He was, and is, the most worshiped of the Old Gods and is seen as the leader of that pantheon. He painted life onto the world his wife sculpted and brought everything into being.   After the fall of the Old Gods, Phoius is now in every growing thing, in every thought that leads to inventions, in every first heartbeat of all living things, in the light of the sun itself and in the changing of the weather.   His worshipers are known to wear white and gold. They are also often scientists, farmers, midwives and other professions that would have one dealing with his domain often. Rarely are they only priests, instead needing to actively contribute to their communities as part of their worship. Worshipers of Phoius are looked down upon only in places where any worship of the Old Gods is also looked down upon. Even then, his worshipers tend to be look upon a little kinder than worshipers of the other Old Gods.

Divine Domains

Life, growth, harvest and science.
Divine Classification
Fallen God
Aligned Organization

Cover image: by Felix Van Huss


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