Rosettes ("Rosies") Ethnicity in Xillick | World Anvil
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Rosettes ("Rosies")


Major language groups and dialects

Halfling, Gnomish, Common - a sort of pidgin tongue, incorporating each of these, has evolved and is effectively a shorthand language for the people of Roseacre. A baker's dozen or so dwarves have lived here over the years, and occasionally a dwarven word will appear in a typical "Rosie" conversation.

Common Dress code

Simple, comfortable, with gentle, dusty pastel hues and a generally welcoming, cozy and rustic aesthetic.

Art & Architecture

Rounded corners and buildings, gently sloping roofs, exposed wood, and rose and cream coloring. An occasional floral or title-related motif. Stained glass windows in Melora's Parish. A strong presence of woodwork(s) throughout the community. Few paintings are to be found in Roseacre; those that exist depict beautiful landscapes or beloved past citizens or celebrations.

Historical figures

The original Lord Roswell.

Major organizations

Parish of Melora, currently led by Bracken McCord, and the Roseacre Estate and their subsidiaries.
Related Organizations
Related Locations

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