The Spark Theory in Xeros | World Anvil
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The Spark Theory

The spark theory is a school of thought throughout the world saying that only humanoid races can learn arcane magic. This theory came about during the Impious March in an effort to better encourage the troops fighting off all the monsters on what would be known as Novis. The theory continued long after the march, with some adamantly getting behind this theory and some even holding it as a since of pride over the monstrous races.   Even during the Arcane Upheaval, some say that they were not casting 'real' magic, but some faux version of it that could not compare to the real thing. Beings that were seen with this 'fake' magic were automatically eliminated by other arcane users to keep their practice pure. Despite reports and sightings, no one was truly ever able to disprove the theory will full backing, even into the current day.   In the current day, most official magic facilities and teachers do not accept non humanoid students as they believe in this theory. This can be a serious point of contention as some may still bring promising applicants, but with this barrier they will not even be considered. A few still argue over the validity of this theory and some even separate themselves from institutions that still hold this theory in any manor, but they are still few and far between.


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