Urthemian - Theomancy Organization in Xerathel | World Anvil
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Urthemian - Theomancy

One cannot truly boast to completely understand the mega-city of Urthemian until they come to know of the most important piece of its existence. The religious oligarchy and the hierarchy of said institution. The Theomancy is a religion of emulation and reverence. To softly and subtly revere nature and the forces that have given us life. It strives to become as one with nature much in the same way that Titans do. Through song and exposure to the world.


To understand the structure and place the Theomancy has within the culture of Urthemian, one must first understand the hierarchy in which is bases its importance on. The structure of the Theomancy is based on the power of the female. It is an organization that has barred men from becoming highly regarded ministers beyond a cleric. In doing so, the institution has generated an aura of elegance, priding itself on focused thought and beauty above all else. The hierarchy is as follows; Proctor, Cleric, Priestess, High Priestess, Rictor, Grand Priestess. These ranks are known as callings and are supremely important to note.   Proctor: The role of the proctor is a simple one. To value the citizens of Urthemian and perform ceremonies that might bring them closer to peace and comfort. Proctors will work heavily with individual families and individuals to help them repent of sins, and offer them services. These services might range from simple sacrament to funeral preparation. They are the cornerstone to the Theomancy's efforts to lead its followers into exaltation.   Cleric: Clerics are much like leaders of specific monasteries. They lead a building of followers and proctors, overseeing their flock and tending to them. It is their duty to ensure the deterrence of apostates and to ensure that proper teachings are being ministered to the families they oversee. This is the highest calling a male may reach.    Priestess: Priestesses are a widely forgotten calling in the church, but are important in their duties. The duty of the priestess is to spread the word of Theomancy law, carry out the missionary work to outlying settlements, and provide aid to those who might find themselves teetering on the edge apostacy. It is through the Priestess that the followers of the Theomancy can learn and understand new revelation or law that may have been created. Priestesses work heavily with paladins to ensure that religious sanctity remains strong.Without them, the city might very well fall to ruin.   High Priestess: A highly noble calling, high priestesses are the nobles of Urthemian, living lives of luxury and often owning expansive manors in the Cathedral District of the city. Outwardly, the high priestesses are ministers that come to specific monasteries for the purpose of overseeing and watching for cracks to fix. In truth, they are highly skilled in the arts of subterfuge and execution. Their purposes lying further in the domain of expulsion and weed-whacking than ministry. It is the duty of the high priestess to correct errors in the part of clerics or priestesses in any way deemed necessary. Additionally, should they receive reports of possible apostacy, their skills in subterfuge lend them well in finding and uprooting this sin quickly and quietly. Apostates are sure to never be heard from again.   Rictor: There are three Rictors in the city of Urthemian. Each one administering to one of the three tiers of the city. Rictors are politicians, advisors to the Grand Priestess, and civil servants to their tiers. They oversee their tier and its safety, taking large matters into concern and weighing options for further expansion, economy, and city procedure. It has been often discussed if a Rictor, being of their nature, should be both a servant of the Theomancy and overseer of the city. With their power they offer guidance to the Grand Priestess and make heavy decisions for the good of the city.   Grand Priestess: The most revered calling in all of Urthemian, the Grand Priestess is the religious leader of the Theomancy, and the height of power in the religiously ruled city of Urthemian. The Grand Priestess is she who sits upon the Burstlight Throne and is a hand picked descendant of the previous Grand Priestess. It is a calling made for life, that once given, cannot be taken away. Her word is law, and all that do not follow are apostates. When consecrated as the Grand Priestess, she will undergo a small sacrament with only her most trusted and be given her new name. Her old identity will be cast out and the her new alias will be regarded with the most holy intent.    As of 36: Sky, Urthemian was ruled by Grand Priestess Isabella.


Understanding that the Theomancy strives to emulate that which is reveres, it is now much more plausible to assume that this institution would do the same to the revolutionary leader that founded it. After Grand Priestess Garlanthe passed away from her unusual 200 years, may she rest ever within the halls of the Silver City, a new leader was to be elected and exalted. Much deliberation and discussion, murmuring even, reverberated within the masses during this time, before a leader became known to all of the followers at once. A simple Aasimar cobbler by the name of Ada Paramisov proved herself to have acquired powers and sensitivity much like that of Grand Priestess Garlanthe's. It did not take long for the church to sing her praise and name her Grand Priestess Ecaterina, leader of the Theomancy.   Laws were swiftly passed down the pipeline of this now massive institution barring males from taking the positions that rise respectively from the position of 'cleric'. Though this was met by initial disdain, the masses were swiftly quelled with assurances that this was to keep Garlanthe's vision alive for all eternity. So as not to sully the throne for fear of improperly emulating that which was perfect. Since then, the Theomancy has continued its due process, doing with itself what it believes to be an act of reverence though has been a subject of contempt and discussion for centuries among intellectuals and philosophers alike.   Though an institution designed to revere Titans, it is also a religion who's foremost effort is to exalt its people in adherence to the Silver City. However, in its attempt to do so, has crushed Urthemian in its religious oligarchy, blurring the lines between political power and religious calling. Many times in its history it has bent its followers to its will in such violent a fashion that they have felt the bite of its people. Although a strong institution, it must walk the thin line of perfection every moment, and expects the same of its followers; and in doing so has created a society of fear.

Public Agenda

The ultimate goal of the Theomancy is to have become so enlightened in their reverence to Titans that they will be smiled upon by Rethandriel himself and be exalted in the same fashion as the Silver City. They wish to be the ultimate people, and in so doing will become godlike.


The Theomancy's conception is one of conflict and blood. A concept that would follow them for all time. Arising from the ashes of the Dawn War, a month long conflict between the once powerful Church of Odes and itself, the Theomancy has struggled greatly in its intent to rule Urthemian and become a power capable of exalting its people.    From the age of 145: Titan to 36: Sky, the Theomancy has undergone drastic changes, becoming the foremost power in Urthemian. From civil wars to drastic social outcry, it has thwarted all efforts that fate may have attempted to bring it down. The most notable attempt to destroy it being the rebellion of Tuld'Vashoth, slave lizardfolk who, for 13 years, held a destructive rebellion that threatened to tear Urthemian apart. It was because of the slavery that the Theomancy had tricked and instituted upon the lizardfolk that this has come to be, and it was because of this rebellion that the Theomancy eventually passed down laws to protect the lizardfolk. But only just.

"Sew a great seed, to reap the eternal reward, emulate that which is perfect to obtain final accord."

Founding Date
145: Titan
Religious, Organised Religion
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