Theomancy: The Paladins of the Hymnal Mass Organization in Xerathel | World Anvil
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Theomancy: The Paladins of the Hymnal Mass

A high and mighty order, the Paladins of the Hymnal mass is an organization of curious origin, and even more curious doings. A core piece to the culture of Urthemian, one cannot truly understand Urthemian without understanding its force of law and peace.


The Hymnal Mass is an organization of strong hierarchy, taking its Neonates at birth and training them from infancy. A Paladin in training can rise from their initial rank of Neonate to Initiate only once they have completed what is called a Trial of Enlightenment. These trials are transitionary tests input to assess both the readiness and worthiness of the individual.   Once made an Initiate, the ranks increase linearly: Novice, Intermediate, Paladin, High Paladin.   Novice: The Novice is much akin to a learner and scribe. Their primary focus is the training of the mind. Their primary responsibilities are to immortalize statutes, rules, laws, and bylaws. They often contribute greatly the to creation of war hymns in the Hymnal Incantatem, the book of hymns and songs the organization keeps their most precious writings. It is the duty of the Novice to be the primary bastion of knowledge and to keep traditions alive. Some Novices never leave their rank, instead becoming Scribes and continuing their work.   Intermeditate: The Intermediate is a transitionary rank within the Hymnal Mass. It is a stark contrast to the rank of Novice, focusing it's efforts on the way of the blade and magic than simple knowledge and wisdom. The Intermediate is not allowed to leave the monastery grounds, but will find themselves under extensive scrutiny to improve and eventually master their performance.   Paladin: As a Paladin, one is finally allowed a certain freedom to leave monastery grounds and live among those they are sworn to protect. Paladins are often rationed out to the guard of the city, serving as religious advisors to guard captains and supplementary force should supernatural circumstances require their aid. These tours can last anywhere from one year to multiple depending on the severity of the situation in their pocket of the city. Paladins often become familiar faces in their sections of the city, leaving friends and sometimes romances behind when they are stationed somewhere far away.   High Paladin: Within the Hymnal Mass there are only as many High Paladins are their are districts in Urthemian. A High Paladin will watch over the goings on of each detachment of the Hymnal Mass within each District, and coordinate the general direction their detachment will take. However, each High Paladin is still under the orders and direction of the Rictors of the Theomancy.


The Paladins of the Hymnal Mass are a mysterious organization to the public eye. Whereas the Theomancy willfully ignores their incredible magical abilities, explaining it as the blessings of pleased Titans who gift power unto the lesser races; others are not so convinced. It is no widely kept secret that the initiation rituals when rising to the rank of Paladin are the stuff of ritual and magical origin. In truth, the Paladins of the Hymnal Mass can not trace the origin of their abilities to a divine patron, and instead call upon the intrinsic power gifted to them via highly guarded rituals known only as the Ditani Cantica.    Once the ritual of song in which clerics, and a high paladin come together to complete can a paladin make their oath and take upon them magical abilities that are linked to their soul. The powers a paladin obtains from their initiation ritual are tied entirely to their soul and sense of self. If a paladin were to break their oath, leave the ranks of the Theomancy, or fall into darkness it would taint them. Their oath would transform within them and change their empowered abilities for the worse. Often, paladins who break their oaths become husks of themselves, gaining new and powerful abilities, and wreak havoc through them. It is because of this that the Hymnal Mass holds its members on a short leash, treating them more like animals than people at times.    It is imperative that at all times a paladin holds true to their oaths, and to the tenets of the Theomancy, so that they can stay pure. By doing this, their powers will remain pure and they will not be tempted to fall into darkness; a process called Tenibri, and is a strict act of heresey. This has created an aura of strict obedience among the members of the Hymnal Mass, and has forced them into a submission fueled by fear of those who control them. Many tenets and rules remain in place to not only ensure that a paladin does not fall into darkness, but to also avoid even the temptation of such. Although there are many rules which are recorded in the Volum Scriptura, there are five which are kept to be of the highest standard.      
  1. "One will keep away from carnal desires, and all that which pertain to sexual purity and abstinence."
  2. "One will abhor the acts of inebriation and stay within the narrow path of sobriety in all things."
  3. "One will not take that which is not theirs', and will return that which one finds."
  4. "One will obey the laws of the lands which they reside, and respect the authority therein."
  5. "One will seek out and destroy even the notion of evil, bear their light to the ignorant few, and desire righteousness in those whom they interact with."
    While there are countless tenets by which the Paladins of the Hymnal Mass hold to, the five Mandatum, they are called, are those which the order keeps to its highest value, and shall not be broken by any circumstances.

Public Agenda

The goal of the Paladins of the Hymnal Mass is to protect the citizens of Urthemian by means of Theomancy law enforcement and crime deterent. It is through their keen eye that Theomancy law is upheld and religious integrity maintained. Paladins of the Hymnal Mass are known to minister to troubled citizens, and take on daring tasks if any sort of corruption has taken hold in the city. This may be in the form of demons, apostates, and/or unruly users of magic.   In the public eye, the Paladins of the Hymnal Mass are meant to be righteous upholders of good, though many understand this is rarely the case where the Theomancy is concerned. Even if many paladins wish to do so, their will is not their own as the crushing religious hierarchy controls them to oversee and force many citizens into submission. The alternative is to be labeled an apostate, and few have ever survived such an ordeal.


The Hymnal is a history of confusing origin dating back to the earliest stages of the Theomancy. Since the beginning of their conception, they have always been officially known as the Songrose Paladins, the force by which good is done and chivalric virtues are upheld in the name of the Theomancy of Urthemian, but barring propaganda, it is more truthful to state that these elite and trained from birth warriors are closer in blood to hired thugs than knights errant. To understand the Hymnal one must first understand their conception and purpose for existing. During the age of Titan, 145, The Church of Odes who revered and worshipped Uduath for his godly power was swiftly and almost overnight overtaken by a public coup. Grand Priestess Garlanthe, the first Grand Priestess of the Theomancy declared that it was not just Uduath who was a godlike figure in Xerathel, but many many more like him existed. That is was their responsibility to recognize the sanctity of these forces of nature and to behold them with respect and reverence, but not worship.   This bold statement would prompt a gang war to erupt on both sides that understood their religion was the one true path. In response to this, the Theomancy would institute a force of powerful warriors that would chant truth, and sing songs of the power of the Titans. These individuals were the Songrose Paladins. One would always be aware of their approach by war hymns that would be sung across the plains as they prepared for their next battle. Because of the mastery of the martial arts that these paladins had attained, the war of the religions was swiftly concluded only one month into its conception. It would be remembered as the Dawn War. The Theomancy had established dominance and became a self serving entity side by side with The Church of Odes.   After the conflict had subsided, The Songrose Paladins found that their skills, having no longer been in need of the Theomancy's agenda, split from their original philanthropists and began anew under the name of the Paladins of the Hymnal Mass. It was during this time though, that they found there was little demand for the needs of elite warriors even as escorts in the Desolate. They quickly found themselves returning not many years after the split had taken place to the Theomancy officially as the Songrose Paladins once more. Though their reputation had already spread through this time.   Even though the organization was officially known as the Songrose Paladins, their reputation had already spread far and wide as the Hymnal Mass. Though work had been thin, the paladins had taken those few years to cement themselves as keepers of the people, culture, and saviors against evil. When they had once more conjoined themselves with the power of the Theomancy, there was virtually no capability to scrub away the name that would stick with them until the end of their days.

Bearers of light, cast out the blight. Unto all we shall spread our most eternal fight.

Founding Date
145: Titan
Religious, Holy Order
Alternative Names
Songrose Paladins
Parent Organization

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