The Theomancy: The Grand Priestess Rank/Title in Xerathel | World Anvil
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The Theomancy: The Grand Priestess


To qualify as the next Grand Priestess, you must be chosen by the previous Grand Priestess in written will after her death.


One is appointed by the previous Grand Priestess, and once appointed, the new Grand Priestess takes part of a ritual known as the Grand Sacrament where she is anointed and confirmed as the Highest Holy.


The Grand Priestess is sworn to the protection and religious sanctity of her people. She controls military power, final passed laws, and economic flow of Urthemian. All organizations under the rules of Urthemian ultimately must conform to the will of the Grand Priestess, and the Grand Priestess is sworn to the good of her people.


Common day-to-day responsibilities of the Grand Priestess range from responding to strongly worded letters, giving judgement on new laws/dictations made by her subordinates, and continually maintaining relations with organizations in the form of requests and commands. Additionally, she must oversee the religious aspect of Urthemian. Ensuring that temples, monasteries, and churches are kept in pristine condition, determining flow of resources and overseeing assignments for High Priestesses, Paladins, and the procedure for religious locations.


The Grand Priestess is the foremost power in Urthemian. They the Highest Holy and are protected, given ultimate luxury, and provided for like none other. On any scale, monetary, material, or political the Grand Priestess is given the best Urthemian has to offer.

Accoutrements & Equipment

When in public, the Grand Priestess must always wear the formal robe of her station. Atop the robe is a hood adorned with a golden crown inlaid with rubies that shine brightly.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

When a Grand Priestess is chosen, even in death they are sanctified. Once chosen, one is always a Grand Priestess of the Theomancy.
Religious, Political
Form of Address
Highest Holy
Equates to
Length of Term
For Life
Related Organizations
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