Sylas the Indulgent Character in Xéno Édafos | World Anvil
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Sylas the Indulgent

Butcher of Anto

Captain Sylas — Redacted —

Sylas was once counted among the number of the exalted Phoenix Guard of Primarch Fulgrim's, Emperor's Children. It was acting in this role that Sylas found himself jurneing with the primarch onto the surfice of Laeran, where they encountered the mysterious temple. His aesthetic armour was designed by the magnificent hand of none other than the ingenious Serena D'Angelus. It is an aide-memoire to her exquisite motifs depicted within the La Fenice abord the Pride of the Emperor and inspired by the Laeran Temple of Slaanesh. Following the Drop Site Massacre (006 M31), Fulgrim premoted Sylas to Captain, allowing him the exclusivity of counting himself among Eidolon's Phoenix Conclave.

— Redacted —

He was last identified leading the siege of Anto (151-2 M42) in the Ziva Sector, but has since vanished following the battle of Rodham. His fate is as of yet unknown.

Mental characteristics



Contacts & Relations



The regiment’s commander is confident and optimistic, though sometimes too caught up in dreams of glory and triumph. While inspirational to his men with grandiose speeches and heroism, his ambition has often seen them faced with impossible odds, caught up in their commander’s quest for glory, and they must battle hard to survive.

Starting Talents: Die Hard

Current Location
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Currently Held Titles
Owned Vehicles
Aligned Organization
Holy Fury (TTRPG) by Cooledcross
Watcher in the Dark (TTRPG) by Cooledcross

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