IM - Character Creation in Xéno Édafos | World Anvil
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IM - Character Creation


To determine your Starting Characteristics:
  • Step 1: Roll 2d10+20 for each of the nine Characteristics in order and make a note of the results. If you feel your character would be improved if you swapped some of the results between Characteristics, go to Step 2 below. If you are happy to keep your random results, note them on your character sheet, gain 50 XP, and move on to 2) Origin on page 51.

  • Step 2: Rearrange the nine numbers rolled in Step 1, assigning each to a different Characteristic. If you’re happy with the new values, record them on your character sheet, gain 25 XP, and move on to 2) Origin on page 51. If not, go to Step 3 below.

  • Step 3: If you’re still not happy with your results, roll again and swap the Characteristics around until you get something you like, but don't gain any bonus XP.

  • Alternatively, instead of rolling, you may choose to assign points. Each Characteristic begins at 20 and you have 90 points to allocate across the Characteristics as you prefer, with a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 18 allocated to any single Characteristic. You do not gain bonus XP with this option.

  • Faction

    Agri World Feral World Feudal World Forge World Hive World Schola Progenium Shrine World Voidborn
    Adeptus Administratum 01-26 01-26 01-14 01-20 01-24 01-14 01-20 01-14
    Adeptus Astra Telepathica 27 27 15 21 25 15 21 15-24
    Adeptus Mechanicus 28-37 28-29 16-17 22-71 26-37 16-17 22-23 25-34
    Adeptus Ministorum 38-51 30-45 18-30 72-73 38-49 18-57 24-45 35-38
    Astra Militarum 52-65 46-79 31-82 74 50-69 58-71 46-67 39-52
    Imperial Fleet 66-77 80-83 83-92 75-84 70-79 72-83 68-74 53-82
    Infractionists 78-96 84-96 93-97 85-98 80-96 84-97 83-87
    The Inquisition 97-98 97-98 98-99 99 97-98 98-99 75-94 88-89
    Rogue Trader Dynasty 99-00 99-00 00 00 99-00 00 95-00 90-00

    Imperium Maledictum by Cubicle 7

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