Session 85 - Into the Cradle Report in Xen'Drik | World Anvil
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Session 85 - Into the Cradle

General Summary

Sol, Therendor 8 - Wir, Therendor 11   In the days following the battle, the Scoops and their allies loot the fire giant lair, and harvest creatures and essences, dividing it up between all parties, though the Scriveners take their leave fairly quickly. The Queen of Air and Darkness claims the Southern Grove's Branch of the Worldtree; a harness for ten heads (eight bridles complete so far) is found in the main forge, it's enchantments not yet complete. Some of the drow, including the Queen's forces, plan to remain in the mountains to root out the remaining Sulatar and ensure they are not organized enough to attempt to continue their plans or seek revenge any time soon. Most of the drow will return to their lands, most likely splitting up into their original clans over time. The Queen has an invitation to join them, as they are curious about this living legend, if a bit cautious around her.   While the looting goes on, Aldritch asks the drow leaders for help from some of their people to construct a 15-foot-cubed structure of stone and wood. While some begin stone shaping, others go down the volcano to chop down suitable trees. The structure is built within three days, looking much like the cottage he saw in his memories, and Aldritch takes a full day after its completion to enchant it. Inside is a magnificent mansion with space for all the Scoops:  
  • Greenhouse
  • Library
  • Spa
  • Sparring room
  • Alchemy room
  • Ballroom
  • Kitchen/dining room
  • Living room
  • Aldritch’s room
  • Cian’s room
  • Faron’s room
  • Morgan’s room
  • Zihir’s room
  • Cartography room
  • Planetarium
    Cian shares news from Phaedo and Shai about strange creatures that seem to have escaped the House Vadalis enclave.  The adamantine and orichalcum doors are chopped up and sent to Stormreach -- first to House Tharashk, but since they are working on evacuating to Last Chance, they request it be sent to Brick instead. Things are getting bad up there. Could the demon under Stormreach be waking up?    Also, Mama's upset that Cian hasn't already contacted her by dream, despite the danger. Aldritch is reluctant, but Mama will get what she wants. They share tear-filled hugs while being spied on from the edges of the dream. She tells Cian that some of the elders have claimed to have heard Vvaraak's voice, telling them the door is opening, beckoning. Cian is very worried about the reach of the Inspired.         The Queen reports that the blue dragon from before is now over water, not desert. There are icebergs in the water. Subsequent scrying makes it appear it she is in the same area. Stormreach appears to be under military rule, with those in charge wearing the symbol of the Amanatu. The desert obelisk looks to be complete now. And she sees Katavanash on an island, directing people building something.     Zor, Therendor 12 The oppressive force of ennui from a manifest zone to Mabar fills the first day of travel south. There is nothing alive to gather, and their evening is filled with writing and sending in articles:
  • Aldritch: surviving the heat of a volcano
  • Cian:
  • Faron: "We've faced faced giants, dragons, stair people, and all manner of things..." Panel 1: A cluster of giants, dragons, weird stair people, etc. Panel 2: The Scoops staring up at something in mild fear, anger, rage, dismay, etc. Panel 3: POV zoomed out from behind the Scoops to reveal the DOOR with Faron saying "FUCK". Outro text: "...but nothing can ever prepare you for a big, sturdy door."
  • Morgan: the completely made up history of the fire axolotl people
  • Zihir: Mountains of Fire: Witnessing Nature's Raw Power
  Far, Therendor 13 - Sol, Therendor 15   Further from the heat of the volcano and away from the manifest zone, the Scoops begin gathering herbs again as they travel.   Faron has a run of three days of good star reception.
  • Is the demon beneath Stormreach waking up? Yes
  • How expansive/problematic is the influence of the desert obelisk currently? The World, then The Sun, The Moon, and The Star - part of a larger problem/system
  • Is the blue dragon under the obelisk's control? Hesitant yes
Near sunset on the 15th (Sun's Blessing, a day of peace), Faron receives a message from Madame Dumont: "Amanatu's forces have taken Stormreach. We're evacuating who we can to Last Chance. Ships too, hopefully. Be careful who you trust. Shit, Varen, behind you--"   Cian sends to Tozi: "Hey girl, just checking in. Stormreach is going to shit. How's the desert?" Tozi responds: "Hey Cian. Not in desert anymore. Near Inspired city. Yollohtli says not as full as last time she was here. Tracking them?" Cian buys sending stones to send to Phaedo and Shai to check in on them more immediately than letters.     Mol, Therendor 16   The Scoops come across what looks like the remains of a giant settlement, though the granite buildings are largely rubble now. Searching the surface reveals giant and medium sized footprints in the thin layer of volcanic ash. There are caches of food, armor, weapons, and equipment to repair them. They also come across a hole leading down into a massive underground chamber; it has long been cleared out, most of the stairs into in caved in; but there is a massive pillar near the center of the settlement with bronze placques depicting accomplishments of the fire giants, such as elemental binding and construction of arcane machinery. One side has a fire giant as a central figure, surrounded with the steps for constructing an arcane machine - the moonbreaker - an astrological chart on the outside and the giant stepping on humanoids.   Zihir spots a glint in an eye of a panel about collection of ore. Aldritch cautiously inspects every inch. Behind it, they find a small cache of dragonshards.     Zol, Therendor 17 The day passes peacefully, but during the night, two travelers stumble past the mansion's entrance. The two sailors (a dwarf named Thaddeus and tiefling named Temerity) are freaked out by the mansion, but are somewhat calmed by Cian and Aldritch - and by seeing some of the Big Dipper crew they recognize. They just want to get drunk so they pass out and don't have weird dreams any more.     Wir, Therendor 18   Faron asks the cards: Will Stormreach be destroyed within the month? No, and reversed Emperor (domination). Zihir recalls from Duo's research that the Overlords ruled over others, and Sakkinnirot was known as The Scar That Abides - the most patient of the Overlords who took power from causing old wounds (literal or metaphorical) to fester.   The sailors were from a crew hired by adventurers who worked for Von Ruthvek. They managed to outsail that white dragon, but the blue dragon a couple months later was a surprise. As far as they know, they're the only survivors. They've been having strange dreams for a while - which become apparent when they immediately recognize Morgan, walk up to her with glassy eyes and say in unision, with multiple voices: "The door is opening. Come to us." They allow Aldritch to "interpret their dreams". He sees a strange world where nothing stays the same for long. Eventually, an ever-changing creature he can just make out has dragon shapes appears before him, showing the clear image of Morgan. "Find her. Find the key. The door is opening. Come to us. The door is opening. Come to us..." Whereas before, the parts of Narhethi seemed to be in conflict, they seem to be in agreement now.   The Scoops wonder whether Narhethi is good. They have been good, to Morgan at least. But she's not sure if it would be good for Narhethi to be free. Everything is leading to a box they can't see inside, but is the box good or bad? Or is it more about the one who controls the box?   Morgan attempts to contact Narhethi and doesn't receive a verbal response, but a gut feeling leader her almost directly south.   In the south, between the Scoops and the island where the Inspired continue to move their plans forward, is a lava field; somewhere in there is Aranthir's body - and the Cinder Sisters.
Report Date
14 Apr 2024


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