Space and What Lies Beyond Geographic Location in Xaritry | World Anvil
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Space and What Lies Beyond

Xaritry is a galaxy with many unexplored parts sought after by adventurous travelers and those who call themselves explorers. People of this type who choose to leave the semi-safety of the charted civilizations of Xaritry's boundless environments are rarely heard from again if ever, so many people with dreams of exploring the cosmos give up on it quickly and stick to familiar territory.   But even then, the only place with laws within charted territories are the planets themselves and their atmospheres and moons. It's why people rely so much on the Physical Work Industry. Of course, attempts and a diverse military are trying to keep civilization in space, but legally, nothing can be done to compensate for crimes. Cases such as CASE 015 are only able to allow the victims compensation not as an act of justice, but an act of morality. There is no justice in the limitless void of space because there are no laws. It's why Space Pirates run rampant and every space vehicle is armed with some kind of weapon. Space in the charted territory is a dangerous and hostile environment. Space outside of it has been rumored to be much worse.   The only accurate records of uncharted space come from Humans, the only species not native to Xaritry. Humans documented their experiences traveling as boring and life-wasting. Which of course is not as bad as the hazards of Charted Territory. At least, until documents of actual dangers started to appear.   In several Human Records during a period in their history they call "The Drifting Era", Humans encountered natural hazards of space, such as supernovas, black holes, and asteroids. Apparently in abundance in comparison to the time they spend drifting. They also experienced unnatural hazards as well, such as other human ships the drifting civilization had unresolved conflicts with, unknown alien races who were bigger, stronger, and far more intelligent than them, who saw them as nothing but scientific playthings, and, surprisingly enough, Space Pirates.   Not many humans who traveled on the vessel that led them to Xaritry are alive today, either succumbing to foreign illnesses or simply dying of old age. The few that do remain, however, have developed a phobia for the stars, and based on several interviews with them, there were many more horrors to have been found that were left undocumented or were even so horrifying that such documents on them were destroyed for the safety of humankind.   Regardless of what these survivors must have seen, exploring beyond charted Xaritry territory has, is and probably will continue to be heavily discouraged until we will have no other option but to.

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