Humans in Xaritry | World Anvil
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Humans, the first sapient species to grace the Xaritry Galaxy, are a bold and adventurous species that had changed Xaritry for both better and worse.   Over the course of many millennia, humans have certainly evolved. Physical forms dating from Earth's documented 2000s are considered a more ancient and primitive form. Genetic modification and natural evolution have made humans into almost entirely new creatures. Humans in present times can be described as tall and thin, reaching to be about at least 5 and a half feet (or around 1.5 meters) at their smallest. Over the years, humans had also re-evolved their tails, which sprout a kind of fin. Human ears have also evolved to look more fin-like and typical human hair has grown thicker. Human eyes remain the same in shape, if not a bit wider. However, the appearance of the eyes themself has developed to be completely colored solid, eliminating visible pupils and irises. Humans have very heightened senses and implanted technology that allows them to see even in blindness, hence the biological pupils have since evolved out of existence. The colors a human can naturally have also reached colors considered "unnatural", such as electric blue, neon green, pink, white, purple, and much more vibrant versions of orange, yellow, and red.   Humans are by far one of the most advanced species in all of Xaritry, both biologically and technologically. The technology they have developed makes them near immortal and puts anything they need at their fingertips. The psychological forms of humans have changed as well, becoming wholly and completely selfless and having great amounts of empathy. This form of mental and behavioral peace has even caused some humans to understand each other completely, allowing their society to reach a total and complete state of utopia.   However, this does not stray from humans being a completely pacifistic species. The technology they have developed has also helped them become one of the most well-protected and dangerously armed species of all. And yet because of the human state of eternal peace and tranquility, such weapons are barely used because of the threat they pose to life itself.   Despite this generalization, many humans still fall victim to their basic primitive behaviors, rooted in greed and a hunger for power, and the exploitation of unbalanced power dynamics. While a good portion of humanity has evolved to become better and heavily shun the ones that refuse to alter their outlooks on life for a more peaceful existence, it would appear these natural evils can never be fully vanquished.

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