Rigevas Tradition / Ritual in Xaritry | World Anvil
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Rigevas (Ridge-eh-vas)

[TRANS RIGHTS YEAAAAHHHHHH]   In terms of Gender Identity, all cultures within Xaritry have no rules or regulations for or against them. The registered citizens of the charted Galaxy Territory generally don't have a need to "preserve their species" or have a need for gender roles as many histories within the planet have diverse historical figures, along with the (surprisingly) progressive input from Humans to keep history truthful and honest. After all, the needless social divide caused by harmful societal roles that prevent people with potential from reaching their highest form of self is one of the main causes that lead to one of the major factors at the end of the humans' home planet: Senseless Hatred.   From these cultures, one in particular recovered from the discriminatory ways of its past: Paradixies. This species, being the only one with a culture formed from traditional views of love and hesitance to change, has instead come to open up to it and has even started a galaxy-wide tradition where loved ones embrace the courage of their transgender comrades and celebrate their journey of gender affirmation through a sort of holiday called Rigevas.   When a transgender person feels ready for it and comes to the decision to undergo gender affirmation surgery, it has become a custom of Paradixie culture to celebrate this transition into a more comfortable and honest body as the person's loved ones celebrate a positive change happening in their lives.   Rigevas begins the day of the surgery and lasts multiple days after until the final [space week GET THAT CALANDER MADE DAMNIT] of the person's recovery from the transitioning surgery. Once the recovery is complete, a huge festivity is thrown to celebrate what is essentially a new and better life. To partake in this tradition, Paradixies and others who choose to celebrate follow the following steps within the timeline:
  • Day of Transitioning Surgery: On the day of the surgery, the transitioning person's loved ones (friends, family, significant others) all gather at the person's house to help them prepare for the surgery and the recovery that will follow. It is also during this time that the person's identity is reviewed and everyone is informed of what they should do to prepare for the final celebration.
  • Recovery Weeks: During recovery from the surgery is usually the busiest period in the tradition, as plans have to be made, people have to make sure they can take off from their occupations to attend the ceremony, and gifts have to be prepared for the final day of Rigevas. Typically, if the number of loved ones the recovering person has is large enough, they will be split into two groups, one to do the preparations and another to visit the newly transitioned person and check in with them and their progress through recovery.
  • Ceremony: Once the transgender person has fully recovered, all of the planning and preparation for the final day of Rigevas is put into action. During this event, plenty of party games are had as feasts decorate multiple tables. Gifts and presents for the transitioned person are piled high and the entire venue is covered completely in colors and decor themed for the celebration. It's like a cross between a Gender Reveal (Like the ones humans used to have for their babies) and a Birthday party. Usually, the gifts involved are items, clothes, and accessories made for the purpose of expressing a certain gender identity (in this case the identity of the person being celebrated).

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