Glacial Mead Item in Xaph | World Anvil

Glacial Mead

So sweet, you'll easily forget that it'll put you under the table in a hurry.
  Mead has been enjoyed in the Wexan Isles since the very first settlements. There is archaeological evidence that even the ancient Dragons enjoyed mead.   Glacial mead is a traditional form of mead produced and enjoyed in the cold Wexan winter. Traditionally made from moorland thistle honey, it differs from regular mead by the abnormally high alcohol content obtained by leaving it outside in a large earthenware jar on a cold night so that it partially freezes, and then by straining out the ice that forms inside. Typical alcohol content of Glacial mead ranges between 20% and 26%, depending on the alcohol content of the base mead stock and how much ice can be frozen out of it. Rumour has it that the Dwarves know a method of producing even stronger honey spirits, however the process is a closely guarded secret shared only between a bare handful of Brewers' Guilds.   Glacial mead is traditionally served hot and mulled with spices and winter berries or preserved fruits. The exact combination and quantity of spices is extremely varied, depending heavily on what can be imported by merchants, and individual families tend to have their own unique preferences. Glacial mead is also occasionally used in small quantities to sweeten tea.


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