Item Patterns in WuXing | World Anvil

Item Patterns

Not all craftspeaople design weapons and armour with same focuses in mind. What one swordsmith finds critical, another may laught at in favour of another trait. As a result, weapons and armour can be as unique as their creators.   Such specialty items, including swords, armour, and shields, can be obtained in several ways. The first is for a charcter to learn the means of crafting an item with the pattern from a Master. This requires the PC to win the trust within the narrative of the game, then spend XP to learn the pattern. If the charcater has a good relationship with a Lord, they could ask for an item with the pattern as a boon, or gift. Finally, a character could purchase, or commsion the item with the pattern applied form a Master. The price for an item with pattern appied remains the same, but the rarity is adhjusted by the Pattern's rairty modifier.   An Item Pattern contains the following details;
  • The XP cost to learn the pattern
  • The Rarity Modifer the pattern applies to the item
  • The Type of Item the pattern can applied to
  • The Effect of the Pattern on the Item
  • A narrative description of the Pattern, including relevant history and lore

Ang Steel

XP Cost: 5 Rarity Modifier: +4 Item: A non-polearm melee weapon with a 2-Hand grip option Effect: A weapon made from Ang Steel loses the ceremonial, Cumbersome, and Resplendant qualities if it had them, and can never have them again. It gains the Durable quality if it does not already have it, or +1 deadliness if it does.   Decades ago, Ren Ang, an engineer in the Kingdom of Tang, developed a new steel alloy while tinkering in his forge. Quite by accident, he discovered a mix of ores thyat made a steel that is both lightweight and strong, but lacks the beauty of traditional WuXing steel. they passed the recipie to the smithies, and soon they began creating massive two-handed swords and axes for use in defending the Wall. And Steel weapons are popular among Tang nobles who appreciate a sturdy, light, well-made blade, and care little for aesthetics.  

Ghostlands Yodhaniya Pattern

XP Cost: 6 Rarity Modifier: +4 Item: Blunt Weapon Effect: A blunt weapon made using the Ghostlands Yodhaniya Pattern gains +1 Physical damage. It also gains an additional +1 dmage against Tainted beings, and the wielder ignores any Cumbersome quality the weapon has while is Defiled Terrain.   The Ghostland Hunters of Sharat, known as the Yodhaniya, spend most of their lives hunting within the Tainted Rakshasa rainforest in Sharat's nort-eastern confines. The dense growth of the jungle makes weaponry like the Urumi difficult to handle, so they must use blunt weapons like Gada, or maces. Their weaponsmiths have learned to make these weapons stronger without adding additional weight, and imbue them with gold and coral to make them effective against Tainted creatures.  

Gao Pattern

Xp Cost: 6 Rarity Modifier: +4 item: Bladed weapons Effect: A bladed weapon made in the Gao pattern gains +1 Deadliness   Gao swordmiths are known across WuXing for their finely crafted weapons. While hardly one sword in a generation is deemed worthy to bear the name 'Gao Blade' all of their works have an exquisitely sharp edge with no sacrifice to the weapon's sturdiness.  

Kai Pattern

XP Cost: 8 Rarity Modifier: +5 Item: Swords Effect: A sword produced in the Kai Smithy gains +1 Deadliness, -1 Damage, and the Resplendent Quality.   The Kai smithy is one of the premier smithies in the Kingdom of Xiong. Founded centuries ago by Gao Kai, this smithy produces wonderous dueling weapons for Gao nobles. Indeed, Kai blades - nearly every weapon that has come from the Kai smithy are swords of one kind or another - are considered to be among the finest dueling weapons in WuXing. Kai blades are both beautiful and extremely deadly.  

Kokejin's Heart of the Wind Pattern

Xp Cost: 8 Rarity Modifier: +5 Item: Polearm Effect: A polearm made using this pattern gainst the Razor-Edged and Durable qualities. In addition, it's wielder treats this weapon's Damage value as 2 Higher while mounted.   Along the Sand Road, the way of the horse is the way of life. those who design weapons there do so not only with mounted combat in mind, but as the default. A particular master crafter named Kokejin, a mysterious woman who lives in the small Oasis Town of Suudriin Gazar (Or the Land of Shade), is said to make the sharpest, most versatile spears in all of the Burning Sands. It is said that the Khan of the Burning Sands himself outfits his best warriors with her deadly weapons.  

Sha Pattern

XP Cost: 3 Rairity Midifer: +2 Item: Weapons and Armour Effect: A weapon loses 1 point of deadliness and gains the Sacred quality. Armour loses 1 point of physical resistance and gains the sacred quality. If the item gains the Damaged quality, it loses the Sacred quality until a smith applies more jade resin by making a TN3 Smithing (Earth) check as a downtime activity. Each attempt at this process consumes 1 finger of jade.   Yuan Sha was a weaponsmith renowned for his beautiful and deadly weapons. During his long career, he developed a process to make a jade-infused resin that could be applied to suitably crafted weapons or armour to protect an individual against the terrors of the shadowlands. Items forged to use this jade resin are typically heavily engraved with ornate designs into which the resin is poured. As the item is exposed to Shadowlands Taint, the jade slowly turns to muck, requiring another application of the resin. While it seems inconvient to some, Sha inlay has protected the lives and souls of many Tang warriors.  

Spirit of the Araphist Pattern

XP Cost: 5 Rarity Modifier: +4 Item: Armour Effect: Armour made using the Spirit of the Araphist pattern gains +1 Supernatural Resistance.   Those who hail from the Cradle of the World - the Sapphid Caliphate - come from a culture of spiritual and miltary might. The warriors and religious leaders of this iron-willed engine are familiar with the dangerous supernatural beings that exist across the world. Several great Araphist Scholars have discovered a method to treat armour to increase it's supernatural defence qualities.  

Uchhema's Technique

XP Cost: 4 Rarity Modifier: +3 Item: Armour with the Cumbersome quality Effect: A suit of armour made using Uchema's Technique loses the Cumbersome Quality and 1 point of Physical Resistance.   Uchema's Technique is style of armoursmithing used to produce specialty armour for scouts and siege engineers. A suit of armour made using Uchema's Technique can be anything from a simple suit of Ashigaru Armour to a splendid, heavy suit of O-Yoroi. With careful tailoring and clever use of lacing and straps, an armoursmith can make a suit of armour more flexible and easy to wear. A warrior wearing a suit made with this technique can run, climb, bend, leap, and otherwise move as if they were wearing simple clothing rather than bulky armour.


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