Distinctions in WuXing | World Anvil


Distinictions are advantages that represnt a charcter's natural aptitudes of body, of mind, or of charcter. Most distinctions apply to a narrow field of activities, as described in their entries. Distinctions are paired against Adversities, and the two cancel each other out if applied to a single given check. Each Distinction has a unique narrative effect, and tells you which Ring must be rolled for the check for the Distinction to apply. If a Distinction is applied to a check, you may reroll up to two dice of your choice on that check.  

Animal Trainer

Ring: Water Types: Interpersonal, Mental   Effect: You are well versed in animal behaviours and effective techniques for training animals. You also know the telltale signs of hostility in both wild and domestic animals.  

Ardent Leader

Ring: Fire Types: Interpersonal, Mental   Effect: You speak with a confidence that most find hard to ignore, and people are more likely to hear what you have to say, even if they are of a higher status than you. This does not mean that those who hear you will heed you, howver, and your words may still have undesired consequences.  

Born Sailor

Ring: Water Types: Physical   Effect: The roiling of a ship is no matter to you. Where others would struggle to maintain their aim, or their lunch, you roll with the movement as naturally as strolling on land.  

Criminal Connections

Ring: Air Types: Interpersonal   Effect: You have cultivated useful allies and assosciates among WuXing's criminal underworld. You can use these contacts to find information or obtain illicit goods and services.  

Dashing Scar

Ring: Air Types: interpersonal   Effect: You have a scar or other visible mark of an injury that adds to your heroic reputation. People who see your scar nearly always remember you, and think of you positively unless given a reason not to.  

Dead Eyes

Ring: Earth Types: Mental   Effect: After what of you’ve seen, the world holds no true dread for you any more. While you are not immune to stress or fear, during battle you go “dead in the eyes,” allowing you to act unclouded by terror, emotion, sentiment, or hesitation, even while Compromised (though you still suffer the negative mechanical effects of this state). You are also more dour at other times, and struggle to find pleasure in many of life’s joys.  

Expert Tracker

Ring: Air Types: Mental, Physical   Effect: You can detect subtle signs of a person or animal's passage that others would overlook and can follow a trail across rivers, towns, and other obstacles that would cause most trackers to lose it.  

Friend of the Brotherhood

Ring: Void Types: Interpersonal   Effects: You are a known benefactor and ally of the Brotherhood of Shinsei, and others believe you to be a pious and generous person unless given evidence to the contrary.  

Hero of [Village]

Ring: Fire Types: Fame, Interpersonal   Effects: You have a heroic reputation for deeds you undertook that benefited a particular village. The residents of that village do their best to aid you with any request you make (and praise you at every opportunity).  

Light Sleeper

Ring: Water Types: Physical   Effects: You rouse from sleep very easily, a trick considered essential in hostile territory. You are trained to awaken before danger arrives, sleep with your weapons ready, and pretend to be in a deep sleep to lure enemies closer. You can go from a deep sleep to fully alert and fighting in the blink of an eye.  

Lucky Hunter

Ring: Void Types: Physical, Spiritual   Effect: You are exceptionally fortunate in hunting or fishing and alaways seem to track down your prey quicker, or find the better spot to fish in.  


Ring: Fire Types: Mental, Physical   Effects: You have experience in Street Fighting or Brawling either outdoors or in organised settings. When you fight, you know how to employ dishonourable tactics slyly, such as by stealthily throwing dirt into your opponents eyes or 'accidentally' landing a kick in a sensitive area.  


Ring: Water Types: Interpersonal, Mental   Effect: You are always able to find something to fill your belly enough to sustain you, though often the only option is fairly repulsive.  

Spiritual Protector

Ring: Void Types: Spiritual   Effects: For reasons known or unknown, a spirit watches over you and intercedes in subtle ways to protect you from harm. It may alert you to danger or interpose a mild obstacle to those who wish you harm.  

Urbane and Worldly

Ring: Void Types: Interpersonal, Physical   Effect: You have much experience travelling abroad, and this has prepared you to expertly emulate and adapt to unfamiliar customs in foreign lands.  

Well Connected

Ring: Water Types: Interpersonal   Effects: You have a number of influential connections among the courts and leadership of WuXing, whose names you can subtly invoke to establish your own importance.  

Xian Lineage

Ring: Earth Types: Interpersonal   Effects: Your Lineage can be traced, via the complex Imperial lineage records, to ther Imperial family itself. Nobles of lower status must treat you with great respect.


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