Armour in WuXing | World Anvil


Nobles arm themselves with a wide variety of garments, suiting their choices to their needs. Whether it is laquered plates to protect against swords, or fshionable clothes to bolster one's reputation at court, the garb a noble chooses can serve many important purposes.   While wearing armour, a charcter benefits from the resistance values it provides, as well as any applicable qualities it possesses. If a charcters dons a second set of armour, they must choose which set of armour will apply to them, although the GM may rule that certain qualities, such as CUmbersome, may still apply from the other worn set.   A charcter can benefit from one set of armour, and one effect that increases their resistance at the same time, combining these benefits. If a charcter would be effected by a second resistance increasing effect, the player must choose which will apply.   Armour has the following attributes;
  • Name: The name of the armour
  • Resistance Value (R.Values) - The resistances against damage types the armour provides.
  • Qualities: Any non-standard effects the armour has
  • Rarity; How difficult the amrour is to obtain, with 1 being common and 10 being unique.
  • Cost: How much a standard example of this armour would cost.

Lorica Segmentata

The Lorica Segmentata is the uniquitous icon of the Imperial Army of Tyber. Its unic, iconic design is known in both the Sapphid Caliphate, and Sharat, and even some scholars in WuXing know of it, even if never having seen it in person. Hard strips are wrapped in thin, flexible steel, and bent into shape before being backed with soft leather. The strips are then overlayed into two halves of the armour, front and back, and joined by brass hinges, and the two halves are joined together over the shoulders and round the waist by sturdy belts. The armour ius further augmented by shoulder strips, greaves, and a matching helmet. Overall, this provides an armour than gives it's wearer solid protection against most attacks, while not being overly weighty or cimbersome. It is also incredibly durable, with some well kept examples lasting over twenty years before requiring major repair, and easy to produce en-masse.


O-Yoroi, also known as Great Armour, or Wall Armour, is the heaviest armour worn by Tang warriors, and possibly the heaviest armour in WuXing. These are huge, boxy, often ornate suits, worn by high-ranking Tang officals and powerful warriors assigned to Wall duty. The armour features all the components of lighter, lesser, armnour, but on a grander scale. Massive Sode cover the wearer's arms nearly to the wrist, thick iron plates and countless steel scales are laquered together to provide unparalleled protection, and outsized crests ornate the conical helmets with their monstrous masks. All this protection and glory comes at a price, however. Since these suits were designed to be used on the Wall, nearly all the protection is focused on the wearer's front.
  • While wearing O-Yoroi, if you are suffering from the Disorented, Dazed, or Immobilised conditions, treat your physical resistance as 3, as your foes can strike at your lightly armoured back.

Tatami Gusoku

Tatami Gusoku is a type of lighteweight 'folding' armour used by Tang scouts and skirmishers. A typical suit consists of an armoured jacket called a Katabira and a folding helmet called a Kabuto. Other bits of armour, particularly gauntlets, greaves, and different helmets can be worn with the suit. The Katabira consists of dozen square and rectangulkar metal plates of various sizes stitched together with chainmail, and sewn to a thicj cloth or leather backing. Both the jacket and helmet can be easily folded up and stored for travel, or hidden away in an emergency.  


Tosei-Gusoku ios a new type of armour recently developed by Tang armourers. Vaguely resembling the armour seen in more far flung foreign lands such as Tyber, the armour consists of large steel plates laced together and worn over a ringmail coat. Plated gauntlets, greaves, and helmet complete the suit. Thanks to the shaping of the plates, and the clever usage of hinges and laces, the armour offers better defense against ranged attacks than most conventional suits. Despite the utility and improved protection it offers, the Tosei-Gusoku remians unpopular, even amoingst Tang nobles. Due to it's deviance from traditional methods of armoursmithing, and the fact it tends to be drab and utilitarian rather than richly decorated, most nobles consider it beneath them.
  • While wearing a Tosei-Gusoku, treat your physical resistance as 2 higher when reducing damage from projectile based attacks.
Name R Values Qualities Rarity Price
O-Yoroi Physical 6 Cumbersome, Resplendent, Wargear 8 60 Koku
Tatami Gusoku Physical 3 Wargear (while equipped) 4 7 Koku
Tosei-Gusoku Physical 4 Cumbersome, Durable, Wargear 8 50 Koku
Lorica Segmentata Physical 4 Durable, Wargear 8 90 Koku


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