Anxieties in WuXing | World Anvil


All characters have fears, hatreds, or things they would prefer simply not to deal with. Anxieties are disadvantages that represent a character's notable emotional vulnerabilities. Anxieties are paired against passions, and the two cancel each other out if both are applied to the same given check. When an Anxiety applies to you on a check, you recieve 3 Strife, no matter the outcome of the check. If this is the first time an anxiety has applied to you during a scene, you gain 1 Void point.  

Accustomed to Luxury

Ring: Earth Types: Mental   Effects: You live a life of luxury and chafe at the idea of abiding the accomodations of your lessers or sleeping in the wilderness.  


Ring: Water Types: Mental   Effects: You are intensely afraid of being enclosed in a small space, or a space with no easy exit. You avoid entering such places at all if possible, and you feel anxious and distracted while in such a place.  

Coming Storm

Ring: Void Types: Mental   Effect: Your family has endured some great hardship, such as a natural disaster, mistreatment by occupying forces, high susceptibility to illness, or recurring bad luck. As a result, your family are constantly vigilant for this same type of hardship, and are wary of the bad fortune that will inevitably befall you.  

Eyes of Many

Ring: Air Types: mental   Effect: You are constantly worried that others are watching and judging you, whether maliciously or not. You are unable to relax in crowded places, and you tend to worry about your impressions on strangers more than most other people would.  


Ring: Water Types: mental   Effect: You are constantly worried about failing those to whom you have made a commitment, such as family, friends, allies, a mentor, or a master. the thought of letting someone down when you have made a promise induces a physical panic that can only be soothed when you make steps towards accomplishing that promise.  

Fallen Ancestor

Ring: Void Types: Spiritual, Interpersonal   Your Ancestor fell to Jigoku's call, giving their name to an Oni, or commiting a terible atrocity. Now their spirit calls to you from Jigoku's maw, tempting you into following them down the same dark path.  

False Identity

Ring: Air Types: Interpersonal   Effects: You have an elaborate false identity that you have maintained over a long period of time. Many of the people you interact with regularly know you by this identity, and you may even have a family that doesn't know the truth.  

Fear of Stagnation

Ring: Earth Types: Mental   Effect: Staying in one place for too long frustrates and unsettles you. You also have a fear of relational commitments that tie you to one place, and you much prefer to keep moving forward. You find it difficult to have work that requires you to stay in one location for an extended period of time, and doing so can make you irritable.  

Loathing for Peasants

Ring: Water Types: Interpersonal, Mental   Effects: You find peasants to be repugnant, and even being around them makes your skin crawl. You do your best to avoid interacting with them, and your disgust is difficult to hide.  


Ring: Void Types: Interpersonal, Mental   Effects: You derive energy and pleasure from social interactions, and being alone makes you uncomfortable or morose. You look for excuses to avoid being alone, and find it difficult to turn down any social engagement.  

Might Will Make Right

Ring: Earth Types: Mental, Interpersonal   Effect: Whatever you have set out to do, the task is yours, and yours alone. You cant let anyone else in, let alone help, as any weakness, espescially your own, is intolerable. You struggle asking others for help, espescially as it pertains to your ninjo. You also struggle to see the costs of your actions in it's pursuit.  


Ring: Air Types: Mental   Effects: Try as you may, you just cannot enjoy art, poetry, music, or other such needless friviolities. Subtlety is lost on you, beauty is somethiung you do not comprehend, art is a waste of resources, and anythjing but the purely functional is meaningless in your eyes. Your dour presence can be overwhelming in sopcial settings, and you generally forget social niceties unless reminded.  

Reformed Maho-Tsukai

Ring: Water Types: Interpersonal   Effects: Once you were a Maho-Tsukai who wielded dreadful blood magics under the tutelage of the Bloodspeakers, or your own Occult study. But that was then. You have since seen the error of your ways and live a life of atonment. You've done everything you can to bury your past, but a bell cannot be unrung, and now and again it catches up with you. The consequnces of the atrocities you commited still find you out, Oni you summoned still seek you, and the Tsukai with whom you consorted will stop at nothing to silence you. We cannot outrun our shadows; sooner or later you know that yours will claim their due. If the details of your terrible past life become public, your Glory value decreases dramatically (between 30-40 at the GM's discretion). Your Status value also decreases by the same amount.


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