Adversities in WuXing | World Anvil


Adversities are disadvantages that represent factors in the Noble's life that make performing their duties more difficult. While none interfere in all aspects of life, any deviance from the ideal is frequently questioned in wider society, and might pose challenges in and of itself. Adversities are paired against distinctions, and the two cancel each other out if both apply to the same check. Each adversity has a unique narrative effect, and states which ring must be used for the check to apply the standard mechanical effect. When an adversity hinders you on a check, you must reroll two success or explosive success results. If you fail the check, you gain 1 Void point.  

Adopted Peasant

Ring: Fire Types: Interpersonal   Effects: Although adopted by a noble family, you were born a peasant. Other nobles who know that fact are likely to look down upon you and use this fact against you socially.  

Allergy [Choose One]

Ring: Air Types: Physical   Effects: Choose a common natural substance. You have a strong allergy to it, and exposure to it can cause severe discomfort and or even a possible life-threatening reaction.  


Ring: Earth Types: Mental   Effect: When you are pursuing a goal directly related to your Ninjo, you have a difficult time focusing on anything else other than the goal. Your bullheaded nature often creates barriers to your own success when the most direct path isnt the best one.  

Cursed Lineage

Ring: Void Type: Interpersonal, Spiritual   Effects: Your family carries a curse. Decide with the GM how this curse manifests.  

Debt to [Person or Organisation]

Ring: Water Types: Interpersonal   Effect: You are in terrible debt to a person or organisation. If you do not make regular payments to your debtor, or fail to fulfill your obligations, they will certainly hunt you down and make you pay, in one way or another.  

Demon Wound

Ring: Earth Type: Spiritual, Scar   Effects: You were wounded by an Oni, and while the scar isn’t Tainted (or perhaps even isn’t visible anymore), it causes you to suffer from terrible nightmares, and intense pain near demonic presence.  

Despised in [City]

Ring: Water Types: Fame, Interpersonal   Effects: You are infamous among the residents of a particular city. People within this city resist co-operating with you and may actively hinder any of your activities within the city.  

Encompassing Duty

Ring: Earth Types: Mental   Effect: You have a duty to something; Your family, a friend, a cause, or some other person or ideal. This duty should manifest in at least one discernable goal. You have a difficult time relaxing, or focusing on tasks that do not somehow advance your goal.  

Horrible Scar

Ring: Air Types: Interpersonal, Mental   Effect: You have gained an awful scar through your travels and it hinders your interactions with others. People stare at you, treat you unfairly, and otherwise judge you on it's appearance.  

Hunted by Chikusho-do

Ring: Earth Types: Spiritual   Effects: Evil nature spirits cause animals to dislike you, and show it in a variety of ways. Dogs bark in your presence, cats hiss, and wild animals either flee, or become unexpectedly aggressive.  

Lost Name

Ring: Void Type: Spiritual   Effects: Your name is no longer your own, and it now belongs to an oni. Perhaps it was stolen from you, taken in a moment of weakness. Or perhaps you gave it willingly in exchange for fell power. But now the oni knows your every secret, hears your every thought, and can see the world through your eyes. You are both bonded now, and it will surely end you if you cannot sever the connection.  

Many Mouths

Ring: Earth Types: interpersonal, Mental   Effect: You have been saddled with the responsibility to provide food and shelter for many dependents (such as children or the lederly), beyond your means. As a result, you are constantly looking for ways to provide for them, but nothing you do is ever enough to offer more than a temporary respite.  

Pursued by [Individual or Group]

Ring: Water Types: interpersonal, Mental   Effect: You are running from a pursuer who wishes to capture or kill you. It is only a matter of time before your past returns to hunt you down. You are constantly on guard and watching out for agents who seek you. You have difficulty relaxing in public spaces, as your pursuer could be around any corner. Work with your GM to determine the nature and number of your pursuers.  

Shadowlands Taint: Distorted Limbs

Ring: Earth Types: Curse, Physical Prerequisites: Shadowlands Taint: Earth   Effects: You are a Tainted being. One or more of your limbs or digits grow longer but become less powerful. You are able to reach things in narrow gaps and can climb faster than normal.  

Shadowlands Taint: Blasphemous Appetites

Ring: Water Types: Curse, Mental, Spiritual Prerequisites: Shadowlands Taint: Water   Effects: You are a Tainted being. Your appearance now includes foetid breath, bleeding gums, and jagged, discolored teeth. You have a near uncontrollable hunger for raw meat: the bloodier, the better. You aren’t particular over the species, human or otherwise, and may even devour carrion or small chunks of obsidian if especially ravenous. Once sated with such delights, you remove all strife.  

Shadowlands Taint: Kansen Whispers

Ring: Air Types: Curse, Mental Prerequisites: Shadowlands Taint: Air   Effects: You are a Tainted being. The Kansen speak to you each night, filling your dreams with secrets of WuXing history concerning betrayal, foolish decisions, and many, many, lies. Each morning, you awaken with anger at your society, but you can never remember the details of the revealed knowledge.   

Shadowlands Taint: One With the Darkness

Ring: Void Types: Curse, Physical, Spiritual Prerequisities: Shadowlands Taint: Void   Effects: You are a Tainted being. When fully covered by shadows or in an unlit location, you cannot be detected. You are also able to conceal non-physical effects of the Taint from any detection.  

Shadowlands Taint: Unnatural Skin

Ring: Fire Types: Curse, Physical Prerequisites: Shadowlands Taint: Fire   Effects: You are a Tainted being. Your skin is leathery and thick and may even take on the coloration of a corpse. Your skin is treated as concealed armor, but it's thickness hinders rapid movement.  


Ring: Void Types: Mental, Spiritual   Effects: You do not believe in the divinity of The Fortunes, the existence of spirits, or the veracity of the Celestial Order. If discovered, this constitutes grave blasphemy, and might even be a crime against the Emperor.  

Stained Lineage

Ring: Void Types: Interpersonal, Mental   Effects: Your family, or specific branch of your family, has a bad reputation. Whether this repuation is Hyperbole or truth, most people in your home region know about the reputation and the fact you are part of it. These people make negative assumptions about your character, even when given evidence to the contrary. Even if you aren't awful currently, many believe that it's in your blood, and will inevitably manifest one day.  

Wasted in Such Company

Ring: Air Types: Interpersonal, Mental   Effects: The subtlety and intelligence of your cutting humour and searing jabs are just far too nuanced for most people to comprehend, let alone recognise. Not only is this highly frustrating to you, it makes your attempts at subtle communication, malicious or otherwise, much harder for others to understand.


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