The Royal Court Organization in Wulsten | World Anvil
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The Royal Court

Founded in 754 R.A., The Royal Court is an adventuring party comprised of four, previously five members. The party initially gained fame by wiping out a large cult to Shaxbar in Orlec, though they are easily best known for slaying the dragon Firthir. The party typically works towards benevolent goals, and have stood opposed to the Infernal Lord Methistoph for some time now. They currently have put their adventuring on hiatus while they work towards individual goals.
Founding Date
749 R.A.
Adventuring Party
Alternative Names
The Royal Court of Queen Nora, The Slayers of Firthir, The Entourage of Lady Blackblade the Bold, The Rivals of Methistoph
Notable Members

Articles under The Royal Court


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