Kastek-ga-Glisharek Species in Wulsten | World Anvil
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Builders of the Spires

The psychically gifted Kastek-ga-Glisharek, typically abbreviated as Kastek, are a species of sapient insectoid humanoids which organize into large colonies, sometimes called "Spires". These spires use a network of telepathic links in order to establish a far-reaching group mind, where each member maintains individuality, but is able to reach out to a base of collective knowledge, communication, and command in order to better accomplish their designated role in the colony. This group mind is not a perfect database, but it proves an invaluable and everpresent tool in the lives of the Kastek people, as well as influencing nearly every aspect of their culture.

Basic Information


Nathkara Kastek scouting caverns by ArtBreeder
Kastek-ga-Glisharek are a polytypic race, having several distinct subspecies that vary greatly in size, shape, appearance, and capabilities. The various subspecies within the Kastek designate each individual's role in society, as well as their place within the hierarchy of Kastek social structure. Because of this, the terms "subspecies" and "caste" are often used interchangeably for Kastek. Because the Kastek are a group mind, as opposed to a hive mind, their individuals maintain personality and independent thought, and are therefore capable of transcending the caste they are born into, and moving into more respected and important roles in society, though it is difficult and rare. However, because of the genetic component of their caste system, Kastek can only gain respect and earn new roles in society, but are not actually capable of shifting caste.


Fertile Kastek all belong to the Adgathgast Caste, or "Lifecrafter Caste", though biologically speaking, there is no "Adgathgast subspecies". Instead, Adgathgast Caste Kastek are all Kastek who are fertile, which is relatively rare among Kastek-ga-Glisharek. Despite belonging to their own caste, all Adgathgast Kastek biologically belong to another subspecies of Kastek, with the fertile males being recognizably (though still visually distinct due to their sexually dimoprhic traits) of the caste they biologically descend from. Fertile female Kastek, on the other hand, possess nearly no traits that would display the caste they biologically belong to. Any fertile Kastek can breed with another fertile Kastek, with the resulting children bearing the biological subspecies of the father.


Deadly and quick, Nathkara Caste Kastek, or Deathbringers, take up the roles of hunters, assassins, scouts, and warriors most commonly. They have traits resembling grasshoppers or mantises, including powerful hind legs capable of jumping long distances, though they lack wings. Their largest set of arms have bladelike protrustions on the chitin, capable of being used in combat, though most choose not to rely on the natural weapons they have unless they must. Nathkara also posses an adaptive exoskeletal shell, which takes on camouflage matching the environment they most commonly inhabit in their first year and a half of post-pupal life.


The Golani Caste are the largest subspecies of Kastek, as well as the heaviest, possessing a thick exoskeleton capable of deflecting most blows. Also referred to as the "Protector Caste", the Golani serve as soldiers, guards, enforcers, and occasionally perform brute labor that requires their enhances strength. Because their natural armor inhibits their movement, the Golani find themselves pushed into their place in the societal hierarchy even more than most Kastek. Golani resemble scarab or goliath beetles, often possessing large horns in addition to their thick armor. They also possess wings, though due to their weight are unable to use them for flight. They can, however, use them to slow their descent, preventing them from taking damage from falling great heights.


Of the various Castes of Kastek, none have as much nautral talent with the Ensa, or Psionic Energy, as the Ensakara caste. Also called the "Psion Caste" in the common tongue, Ensakara take on roles pertaining to the web of telepathy and psychic energy that courses throughout a Kastek colony. Without the Ensakara, a colony's group mind could not exist, as most of the telepathic communication is done through them. An individual Kastek (not belonging to the Ensakara Caste) can only telepathically communicate with a single other individual at once, usually no further away than slightly over 100 ft. Ensakara, however, are able to connect a group of Kastek to each other, so that they can communicate over much greater distances and with any number of the group at once, using the Ensakara's enhanced mind as a connection point. These Ensakara are usually further linked to groups of other Ensakara, enabling them to transmit messages along a network of other Ensakara to anywhere in the colony, though not instantaneously or without obstacle. Physically, Ensakara are diminutive in comparison to most castes, do not possess wings, and resemble something halfway between ants and fireflies. They have large heads, and their eyes and abdomen are almost always aglow with psionic energy.


Thanek Kastek by ArtBreeder
Humble and industrious, the Thanek Caste are the most numerous of the Kastek race. Thanek, or "Worker Caste", Kastek form the labor core of any given colony, and are also responsible for the physical act of building their spire. Capable of transforming raw materials into a thick, cement-like substance for construction, Thanek are swift and natural builders, even being the Kastek subrace most gifted at flight, for the purpose of construction. Thanek are small in comparison to most other Castes, not counting Ensakara, but their skill more than makes up for their size. Thanek most resemble bees or termites, though they lack stingers. Though construction is the most common occupation for a Thanek, they are natural artisans, and take to any craft very easily.


The Kotekshan, or "Herd Watcher" Caste, are Kastek resembling myriapods. Their body is still humanoid, still possessing one pair of distinct primary legs, but their abdomen is elongated in comparison to other Kastek. Their elongated abdomen trails out behind them and possesses an armored carapace, as well as many sets of additional smaller legs that exist to move the abdomen. Kotekshan abdomens average ten feet in length and three feet in diameter, making Kotekshan one of the heaviest Kastek by mass. Because of this, Kotekshan do not possess wings, though they are able to use their many legs to cling to vertical surfaces. Furthermore, Kotekshan exhibit strong intuition and skill with animals and insects of lower intelligence, manifesting many of their psionic abilities as ways of communicating with these creatures. Because of this, Kotekshan are often herders or tamers, dealing with livestock, animals and on a broader level, the study of nature and biology. Kotekshan tend to be one of the more introspective Kastek, often electing not to use the group mind as much as other Castes. Because of these reasons, Kotekshan are the most likely caste of Kastek to become Druids.
Esgan Kastek watching over their field by ArtBreeder


The Gan Caste, also called the "Grower" Caste, both grow and process the crops that will feed the bulk of the colony. The Gan resemble soft bodied beetles. They are of moderate height and weight, in comparison to other Castes, and possess functional wings. Their most prominent features are their long antennae, which come in many shapes and styles, and the patterns of their carapace, which often include spots, splotches, or lines. Gan Caste Kastek are the second most populous caste, after the Thanek, though they largely remain in specific places based on what type of crop they cultivate. There are actually two subspecies of Gan within the Caste, the Engan that farm fungus underground, and the Esgan that farm vegetation above ground.


Resplendent and elaborate, the Esdona form a Caste of aristocrats and nobles. They serve as leaders, artists, and diplomats, seeking to inspire and motivate the other castes in the service of the colony. With traits reminiscent of flying insects such as butterflies, moths, and dragonflies, the Esdona take on a wildly varying set of physical attributes, most of which without significant practical application. Esdona translates literally to "Above Other", referring to the fact that the caste is positioned at the top of the caste hierarchy. Though most Esdona are revered and respected as nobility or even royalty in their colonies, there are some that are instead shunned and outcast. Some of these outcast Esdona are denied reverance because of their past actions, but others are shunned for not living up to the high standard of beauty that Esdona are held to. Many Esdona fixate on physical appearance and obsess with using clothing, jewelry, and other means to amplify their beauty, in fear that they too may not hold up to the beauty standards expected of them.

Growth Rate & Stages

Kastek egg clutches gestate for a period of several months before hatching into larvae. Approximately halfway through their gestation period, the caste of the larvae can be determined from outside observation. It is at this point that the eggs are sorted into specialized nurseries. At 3 to 4 months of gestation, the eggs hatch, and are then fed by nursery attendants. Within the span of half a year, larvae grow in size, before creating a pupae.

Before the formation of a pupae, the larvae have animalistic levels of intelligence, and are only capable of minor telepathy. Primarily, they can be telepathically commanded by nursery attendants, in order to be moved. During the pupal stage, their minds rapidly develop, becoming sapient and starting to absorb language and knowledge directly from the group mind. It is for this reason that the larvae are moved into close proximity with a member of the Relay caste, so that they can better absorb the knowledge of their Spire.

Upon emerging from their Pupae, a Kastek is typically fluent in several languages, as well as having a thorough knowledge of the skills required to perform as their caste in society. They swiftly move into adult life at this point, despite being only around 7 to 8 months old. They live somewhere between one to two decades, with some castes having slightly longer lives, up to a potential four decades.

Ecology and Habitats

It is widely believed that Kastek society originated deep underground. This theory is supported by the race's innate darkvision, a trait shared by every caste, even Esgan, who specifically live above ground where the sun can support plant life. Kastek psionic history would indicate that the first colonies were located in deep caves beneath the oceans. For some reason, these early Kastek precursors began to build upwards, eventually breaking through the ocean floor. Kastek do not have the ability to breathe underwater, but they do have the ability to hold their breath for many hours at a time. They also have an innate resistance to deep sea pressures, which means they are able to take extended ventures out into deep ocean in order to build the frame of their Spire. Eventually, once the construction reaches the water's surface, the water is drained from the interior of the Spire and construction resumes upwards.

Engan Kastek keeping vigil over their mushrooms. by ArtBreeder

Dietary Needs and Habits

Most Kastek lack the ability to digest raw plant material, being able to only eat meat, fungus, or a nutritious substance regurgitated by Gan called Ond. This means that all the crop grown by the Esgan must be processed first into Ond before being consumed by the other castes. Ond is effectively a type of honey, though it has a far more savory and bitter taste than honey does. Despite this, Kastek enjoy the substance immensely.

Kotekshan Kastek by ArtBreeder


The primary livestock of choice for Kastek is the Kot, a type of giant grub that is particularly susceptible to Kastek psionics due to selective breeding during domestication. Despite being of animalistic intelligence, the grub is able to receive telepathic commands from Kotekshan Caste Kastek, which they immediately obey. This makes it a very passive and easy to direct livestock for Kastek herders. The grub is also incredibly resilient to poisons and venoms, which the Kastek take advantage of by feeding the grub typically poisonous fungi, turning otherwise inedible fungus into valuable meat.

Biological Cycle

The Kastek's lack of longevity is made up for by the lasting collective of knowledge they contribute to in their psionic group mind during their lives. Though an individual Kastek may only live for an average of 15 to 20 years, they wield the wisdom and knowledge of countless generations. When Kastek die, they leave a psychic ghost in the group mind's collective conscious, a type of telepathic imprint of their personality and mind. In the cases of particularly influential or talented Kastek, it can be decided that their psychic ghost will imprint on a juvenile member of the race, imposing their personality and memories on the juvenile, effectively reincarnating the individual in question.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The majority of Kastek-ga-Glisharek colonies are clustered around an archipelago in the Endless Ocean. There are several other clusters of Kastek Spires throughout the Endless Ocean, usually in loose lines leading towards other landmasses. Kastek Spires have been sighted in outlying islands near Veifaheim, Qajir Sahil, and Valtaland in Wulsten.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

All Kastek have psionic talent, with degree of ability varying both from individual to individual and also from caste to caste. Kastek society is entirely reliant on this inherent psychic ability, and the use of telepathy permeates every single aspect of Kastek life. At a base level, all Kastek have telepathy, which they use as a primary means of communication. It is very rare for a Kastek to verbalize speech to another Kastek of their own colony, due to their ability to telepathically convey though instead. Kastek psionics reach beyond simple telepathy, though, with others possessing telekinesis, biokinesis (the ability to study and observe internal physiology using psionics), Psioluminescence (the ability to create light with psychic energy), and many other applications of psychic ability.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Naming traditions vary from Spire to Spire, and then further into the Castes of those Spires. For example Dak-Shal may be a common name within the Hunter Caste of a given Spire, but a rare name among the Guardian and Sovereign castes. Typically names are one to three syllables, and in situations where a Kastek would be expected to provide a surname (such as interacting with humans), they would just provide the name of their Spire.

Major Organizations

Golani Kastek keeping guard at a Spire entrance by ArtBreeder
The Kastek organize into colonies called Spires, or "Glisharek" in their spoken language. These Spires are massive superstructures built by the Kastek from deep within the earth, emerging from the ground, with the tallest of Spires managing to reach more than 1,000 ft into the sky. Made from an organic material produced by builder caste Kastek, the spires are intended to reach towards the sky so that one among them can be elevated to the status of a god. These colonies are comparable to city-states in their roles in Kastek society, and most often they do stand alone, though with possible alliances with nearby Spires. There are, however, several coalitions of Spires who have banded together for one purpose or another.

Conflict between Spires

Different colonies of Kastek do come into conflict from time to time, typically due to a conflict between the ideals and interests of their Adgatha-Chotans. In the event of one colony successfully defeating the other entirely, the Adgatha-Chotan of the failing colony will be severed from their telepathic network, and supplanted by the oposing colony's Adgatha-Chotan, who will wield the power of the psychic group mind to empower themself before subjugating the other colony's workers. Though they will be incorporated into the other colony's psychic network, defeated Kastek cannot be forcibly controlled by the group mind. They can, however, be controlled on an individual basis by Kastek who have a mastery over their psionic abilities.

Beauty Ideals

In Kastek society, beauty is often viewed as being a trait reserved in its entirety for the Esdona. Because of the incredibly practical nature of the Kastek race, most Kastek view themselves as having been designed for function over form. However, a significant part of the Esdona's purpose is that of beauty and inspiration, and so they, moreso than other castes, have a wide array of physical appearances including bright colors, vibrant patterns, and delicate flourishes of antennae and wings. This doesn't mean that other Kastek are incapable of beauty (though most humanoid races would conclude that they are), they simply don't offer it much thought.

Gender Ideals

Though biologically there are only two sexes of Kastek-ga-Glisharek, the majority of Kastek belong to a single gender role, that of infertile individuals. Because only select members undergo the process that allows them to develop fertility and sex characteristics, the majority of the species do not possess the ability to reproduce. All Kastek do technically have a sex, but for infertile individuals, sexual dimorphism is essentially nonexistent. Because of this, infertile males and females do not experience any significant differences in gender roles or norms, appearance, or even biology.

All colonies do have much smaller populations of fertile individuals, and these individuals do have significant differences in appearance based on sex. Fertile males typically take on caretaker roles for young Kastek, often being the first faces Kastek see after molting from their pupal stage. The males are often the ones who first teach the use of telepathy to these newly molted Kastek, and often even maintain a home for young Kastek to live before they find their own place in the spire. Fertile females, on the other hand, usually tend to newly hatched larvae, guiding them in the months leading up to metamorphosis. It is the fertile females of the Kastek who probe into the larvae with an advanced form of telepathy and biokinesis in order to assess which larvae will be fed enough to develop sex characteristics.


Partnerships between fertile males and females are typically very short lived, and generally do not involve romance to any capacity, though it isn't unheard of for fertile male and female pairings to take a liking to each other and frequently visit each other. Despite being incapable of not only reproduction, but even intercourse in general, infertile Kastek do form intimate relationships with each other frequently. In fact, these Yan-ga-Adgathek, or "Pairing of Lives", are far more commonplace among infertile Kastek than fertile. These pairings do not typically take the members' sexes into consideration, as members may not even know which sex they belong to.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Kastek-ga-Glisharek seldom use spoken word, due to their innate psionic powers. However, they do have a native tongue, for use when speaking with Kastek of other Spires for trade or negotiation. They struggle to speak languages belonging to humanoid races, due to differences in mouth shape (and lack of lips).

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Living Gods

When a colony reaches a certain level of population, the collective psychic energy bound within a Spire's telepathic network will accrue enough power that it must latch on to a focal point or risk become unwieldy. One member of the Kastek is chosen as a focal point, and are raised to the status of "Adgatha-Chotan", which means "Living God". These Adgatha-Chotan are incredibly powerful wielders of psionic energy, eventually reaching such a level of power that they are able to grant their faithful access to divine magic, though it is currently unknown if this magic is truly divine, or just a psionic replication of divine power. Adgatha-Chotan are nearly always chosen from among the Esdona, though Adgatha-Chotan of other castes are not unheard of.


Among the Kastek, there are highly honored artisans known as Nathgasts, meaning "Deathcrafters". Kastek Deathcrafters use certain parts of Kastek corpses (and occasionally corpses of other creatures, such as whale bone or Dragon scale) in the creation of weapons, armor, and tools. The Kastek consider it a matter of honor to be reused for the future generations, especially in the creation of weapons and armor. Typically armor is made from either Guardian caste Kastek, and weapons are made from Hunter caste Kastek, though skilled Nathgasts can make armor and weapons from body parts not originally used for those.

Articles under Kastek-ga-Glisharek

Cover image: by ArtBreeder


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Aug 4, 2023 03:08 by Marjorie Ariel

You've really thought this out! I think the group mind is very interesting--how they can communicate mind to mind, but typically only to one person at a time, except with the help of an ensakara. I wonder if there are places or times (such as among the above-ground caste) where they choose to communicate verbally because it's more efficient. I also like how, being insectoid, the group mind feels natural, similar to, though still distinct from, the communication of ants or termites. I also especially like the deathcrafters! I love fictional groups that have unique relationships with death. Since caste is partially, but not wholly biological, I think your description of "rising above the caste" is a little confusing. I'm not sure what you mean when you say they can earn new roles in society though they cannot change their cast.

Check out Natural Magic : a coming of age fantasy novel, because life is hard enough when you're fourteen, even without saving the world. Or listen to it in podcast form .
Aug 4, 2023 18:39

Thank you for the feedback! I totally get what you mean about the "rising above the caste" thing being confusing, I had a hard time describing it. Basically, a Gan is always a Gan, because that is the subspecies they belong to. There's no "marrying up" or being given titles or prestige for accomplishments, a Golani can't be risen to the rank of Esdona the way a serf might be knighted, because they are physically a Golani. That being said, a Gan can pick up armor and a polearm to become a guard, which is a job typically held by a Golani. They can branch out in profession and duties into areas typically considered part of another caste. A Nathkara isn't banned from ever working as a farmer or a shepherd, they can become those if they want, but it will be generally considered strange, and they won't "become" a Gan or a Kotekshan. They'll always be a Nathkara.   That's a good question about communicating verbally as well. I'll have to write a bit about that. In general, they communicate telepathically to other members of their spire in a very natural way, since it is their primary form of communication. They just use it without really thinking about it (ironically). But I imagine there are situations where they would, I just can't really think of any where it wouldn't make more sense to use the psychic network.   Thanks again for your insight!

Aug 12, 2023 17:28 by Marjorie Ariel

Oh! I actually thought it was the other way around--that one could have social prestige, but always would work in the sector they were born into. I can see how it would be difficult to explain.   You might come up with a second term for social status that differentiates it from caste. Or maybe use an aloud or a conversation to describe someone who takes on a different caste and how the people around them react to it? You could put it in before or after the paragraph or even in the sidebar next to it.

Check out Natural Magic : a coming of age fantasy novel, because life is hard enough when you're fourteen, even without saving the world. Or listen to it in podcast form .