Calshire Settlement in Wulsten | World Anvil
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Open fields of golden wheat blowing in the winds, glimmering crystal streams of pure mountain-water, and enchanted forests filled with capricious fey are all commonly associated with the kingdom of Calshire. It is true that the people of Calshire often go to sleep happy, and with full bellies, and the nobility is often fair and kind, but at least some part of Calshire's reputation as an idyllic kingdom stems from being compared to the nearby Lastrovia.


The bulk of Calshire's population lies in rural areas, with their cities being generally somewhat small. Species-wise, Calshire is quite diverse, with a primarily Human population, but sizable populations of Dwarf, Half-Orc, Orc, Changeling, and Northmen, as well as minimal populations of other races. Calshire's quality of living is rather high, despite being a heavily rural, agrarian populace.


The government of Calshire is a monarchy, with the current ruler being Lady Halewer. Calshire has become the large kingdom it is through a long history of political marriages centered around the Royal Sediwer family. Originally, the cities of Kerisben, Bruthwall, and Gordin were all capitals of separate, smaller kingdoms, but their royal families married into the Calshiran royalty over time. However, some cities, notably Gordin, still maintain their royal line, despite pledging vassalage to the Sediwers.

Industry & Trade

Most of Calshire is very suitable cropland, and as such a large amount of Calshire's revenue comes from exporting grain to the nearby Ishwan, which struggles to grow food at all. Because of their well established agriculture, Calshire also produces a large amount of beer, ale, and whiskey, as well as a well known type of gin made with wheat and a special breed of juniper berry found only in the northeastern Archag Mountains.
Calshire struggles somewhat to obtain valuable metals, but are able to import them easily either from Ardon or through Ishwan.


Calshire is situated north of the Archag Mountains and is the south-easternmost nation along Baskwater Gulf. Notable geographic regions of Calshire are listed below.

Lake Gwenethar

Lake Gwenethar is a massive lake taking up a large portion of eastern Calshire. Sediwer Island sits in the middle of the lake, and Kerisben sits along the narrow stretch of land between the lake and the ocean. The island and the mainland were once connected by the massive Bridge of Lothretal, but the ancient bridge fell into ruin long ago. The island of Sediwer also contains a forest known as The Fae-Wilds, a forest which overlaps between the Material Plane and the Otherworld of the Fae.

The Flatlands

Western Calshire is dominated by open plains and fields called the Flatlands. This wide swath of wheat and grass is often ignored due to its mundanity, but it is home to a lot of the population of Calshire, and it is here that some of the best Whiskey and Gin north of the Korlech mountains are brewed. The Flatlands are also home to Gordin and the Knights of Westwall. As the Flatlands continue west, they become increasingly arid and dry, until the ground eventually cannot support cropland at the western border of Calshire. 

Gwefer Swamp

The south of Calshire is made up of several short, staggered plateaus at the base of the Archag Mountains, through which many streams and rivers run down into, pooling into small lakes and ponds before cascading down further. The entire region is known as Gwefer Swamp, often abbreviated as just Gwefer. Rural communities often forgotten by the rest of Calshire, tribes of Orcs seeking fertile hunting grounds, and eccentric hermits all call this area home. The swamp is treated with caution by outsiders, who are careful not to become lost in the muddy trails it holds. There is lingering evidence of an old kingdom within the swamp, with ruins of stone fortresses and moss-covered statues found occasionally.

The Baskwater

The northern coast of Calshire runs along Baskwater Gulf, and is notable for maritime trade and fishing. Port Northstar is a historically very successful trade port, but has recently seen misfortune and stormy weather, causing many merchants to pass it by. The Isle of Eira, on the other hand, was often ignored by many merchants due to the relatively poor citizens who lived there, and the lack of valuable trade goods on the island. However, lately many ships have begun stopping there for supplies. The coast along the Bask is the most common place that Northmen are found in Calshire, often working as dockhands and shipwrights.
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