Odis, God of Beginnings Character in Wralath | World Anvil

Odis, God of Beginnings (Oh-diss)

His followers are not afraid to die, for they know that Odis may bring the, back into the world to live again. His followers are often those who help bring life into this world. Every mother prays for her child to Odis.

People often pray to Odis and his sister simultaneously. They pray to Odis to be brought back to this world in another life and they pray to Artris for a peaceful death.

Often depicted in books and art as a man in a white hood with ember eyes staring back at you. If you happen to run into him in the overworld, he usually takes the form of a tiefling man with purple skin and has the most verdant green eyes.

Many who have met Odis usually dislike the way he treats others who are not gods. He tends to hold his chin high above everybody else’s head.

Divine Domains and Symbols

Odis is the god of Beginnings, Life and Light. His symbol is three silver stars in the shape of a triangle with obsidian in the middle.

Notable Holidays

The first day of Springyear is widely regarded as a holiday, as it was the day he ascended.


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