Heriah Character in Wralath | World Anvil

Heriah (He-righ-ahh)

Heriah is a tall, slender elven man. He was one of the founding member of Erith long ago and started The Fragile Traveller not long after Erith's construction. 

Quickly becoming a favourite amongst the townspeople, Heriah is considered somewhat of a leader in the town. Many seek his aid in matters that they cannot settle.

Finding a magical spring in Rolan's Grove and using the water found there to create the Springwell Whiskey, Heriah became world famous. Many noble and wealthy come to Erith for a taste of the Springwell Whiskey. It is said to have magical effects and can give boosts to those who drink it. It is however fairly expensive at 10gp a shot. Buying a bottle is also fairly expensive depending on which year you go with. The longer its been aged, the more expensive it is with the most expensive bottle being 1000gp.

Take care when drinking this whiskey. If you drink too much of it, it will have adverse effects and give you a bane instead of giving you anything that will help you.


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