Kious (Planet) Geographic Location in Worlds of Gods Hub | World Anvil

Kious (Planet)

Kious fun facts
  • 1 day on Kious, or dayk, is 46 hrs. Though the precise tracking of hours is often only used for the military and government purposes, the common Kiousian refers to the time in the day by breaking it into 9 five hour chunks with the remaining hour at the end of the day tacked on to the ninth chunk. 
  • 1 year on Kious, or yeark, is 445 daysk. Making one year on kious 2.34 years, or 853 days.
  • Kious has only 4 Months, which are each tied to a season. Winter, 113 daysk; Spring 111 daysk; Summer 109 daysk; and Fall 112 daysk. Each month is signaled by a lunar eclipse by the moon, Qaler (Ka-Ler). Qaler also has a moon, Aei (Named for the Immortal Lord). {It's believed that Aei was captured and placed in its permanent orbit by an ancient and powerful caster. Legend has it that Aei will drift from its entrapment when the caster dies.} The halfway point of the month is marked by a solar eclipse. Qaler will experience its own eclipse events as Aei orbits faster around it than Qaler orbits Kious. Qaler is a captured piece of the former twin world of Theia, it rotates on its axis every 170 hours and orbits Kious every 110 days. Although it's been nearly stripped of its atmosphere the moon is able to have some life survive on its surface thanks to aether it siphon from Kious. There have been numerous colonies established on Qaler by casters who learn the appropriate abilities to survive on the surface. Many would, unfortunately, collapse into ruin. Below the surface is home to many unique elements.
  • Aei is an asteroid, that is trapped in an orbit around Qaler. It spins on its axis every 121 hours and orbits Qaler every 11 days, it passes by the Kious side in 4 days and spends 7 days getting around the far side. The asteroid has also developed a jagged ice ring, forming when it's on the far side and getting melted/torn while on the near side.
  • C.aether allows the light of its sun to not be colored by the atmosphere and during lunar eclipses, the moon is completely dark (this is the origin for the long night on Kious, where the night is only illuminated by the stars.) In general, Kious lacks what having a "visible" atmosphere would bring. (Sunrises/sets as well)
  • The current year on Kious is often determined by the largest major power in the area. In the Taiten Empire, the year is 482ky as their year 0 was the Empire shaking off the final effects of decades-long depression (They write their date as [Current Emperor & Year], [Number of the day in the season]). Across the ocean the Allied Galtic Republic records their founding as year 0, making their date 250,340 (which they write in two ways, long-form: Full Year, Month Name's Day; short-form: Month Name's Day
  • Kious history is broken up into Ages & Eras that span massive lengths of time. The eras are the best documented and sectioned into more "manageable" chunks of time, this is attributed to the growing mortal presence in the world's Mythos. Key
  • yeark / ky = Year on Kious / Kious Yearkya = Kiousian Years Agokmya = Kiousian Million Years Agokbya = Kiousian Billion Years Ago
It's moon has a somewhat slow orbit that subjects the planet to extremely long lunar cycles and slow frequent lunar and solar eclipses. Solar eclipses mark the   start of the new month and lunar eclipses mark the mid point of the month. However during winter Kious has what's called the darkest day where the moon is in position for a total solar eclipse for the entire day. Most of the rainfall drops in spring accounting on average for 56% of the total rainfall that year. The next largest being 24% in winter. 18% in fall. And lastly 2% in the summer. However Kious has many of etheric storms that do not account for yearly anual average rainfall.


Most of Kious' landmass is dominated by the two supercontinents, Galta in the west and Phiboa in the east. Other landmasses include: the mostly sunken supercontinent of Ryia, the largest surfaced part being the "islands" Upya {north west} and Qraf {south east} and the continental islands of Reylos, Rym, and the Stehps.

Fauna & Flora

One could make the argument that the flora on Earth is a cheap imitation to what exists on Kious, with Earth's intention of being Xiyr's consultation prize after he was ousted from his control over Kious. This gives inhabitants of Earth a certain familiar feeling in certain Kiousian environments, particularly in the outer and inner coastal regions, but even in the planets most Earth-like environments there's still a distinct unnatural subtly whether it be in color, size, textures, or movement. The same could be said for the fauna as well, Kious is home to many Earth-like creatures with some being the origins of the mythological creatures of Earth. While like our home planet in many ways, Kious' past as Theia, and the papering over the cracks of its subsequent rough transition to Kious with the introduction of Aether into its atmosphere has left plenty room for bizarre and impossible flora & fauna.

Natural Resources

Kious' Being Population: 24,000,000,000 (twenty four billion.) 47% of which can cast (11,424,300,000) Total Casters.
  • 1.25% (300,000) Divine Population. 100% of which can cast (300,000 Divine Casters)
Thesan Population
  • 18% (4,320,000,000) Thesan Population. 85% of which can cast (3,672,000,000 Thesan Casters)
  • 143,208,000 Warrior level beings {3.9
  • 10,310,976 Hero level beings {.28
  • 19,575 Breaker level beings {.00053311
  • 59 Phenom level beings {.00000016
Kiousian Population
  • 80.75% (19,380,000,000) Kiousian Population. 40% of which can cast (7,752,000,000 Kiousian Casters)
  • 117,055,200 Warrior level beings {1.5
  • 3,511,656 Hero level beings {.043
  • 5,856 Breaker level beings {.0000075
  • 29 Phenom level beings {.00000037
Natural Ether


Kious Pre-History
  1. The Ages of Theia (Estimated to be between 5.4-3kbya). Not much is known to Kious historians about Theia's history or cultures beyond they age-old myths told by their modern-day descendants. The only well documented even seems to be the end of Theia as detailed by the explored ruins of the late age Theia civilizations, though unfortunately, the citizens didn't know what caused the planet's apocalyptic climate shift and many Theians would die before the Immortal Lords would fix the planet's climate.
  2. Early Immortal Migration. The migration of the Immortal Lords forever changed the history of our universe, beginning with the simple act of their arrival. The six surviving Immortals would transport themselves from their dominion using an especially powerful Gate cast (so powerful that Rahnyr undercharged the cast and instead of taking them to the intended destination they arrived at our leaf. The arrival of the Immortals dislodged Theia from its original life-sustaining orbit from its star. The activation of the gate would also signal the Faye Kingdom who dispatched Nofi, who had dominion over our universe branch. The initial outreach was tense as she believes the loss of their world should embolden their fight against the Chaos wanting to join the Kingdom as an alley, but the Immortals wished for their time in Whisamier to be a chance to feed from Whisamier to recover their strength, grow their ranks with mortal forces, and use our branches as a warzone to battle the Chaos and liberate their domain. Nofi could understand the emotion of the plan, she has seen the havoc the Chaos could wreak first hand, but she knew that if the conditions were as bad as they said there was no hope for their home and to bring the Chaos here would merely empower them not overextend their forces as the Immortals believed. Nofi granted them the right to stay in this leaf but would forbid any of their other actions desires, and she would watch over the Immortals personally. A few Immortals accepted the terms, the loss of their home and fellow Immortals to damaging to instigate a war with foreign lords in a foreign land, but the majority still wanted to hope that they would one-day return home.
4*1 Ages of Kious  
  1. *1Immortal Age (3kbya-1.4kbya) The Immortals would locate, seek a stable world to touch down on and the closet life-supporting world was Theia, though the planet had drifted outside of the habitable zone of its star. The Immortals would do what they could to move the planet back to its original orbit but the sudden change in orbit caused catastrophic damage to the planet, using their combined efforts they created an artificial atmosphere for the planet to reverse the damage and return the planet to a life-sustaining state called, Aether (the implementation of which is seen as the birth of Kious). As the planet recovered the Immortals would explore the leaf, while Rahnyr, Gaelia, & Aharid took a trip back through the Gate to their dominion. Nofi allowed the trip, allowing them to believe they escaped under her reader, in truth she believed the horrors of what they would find would shatter their nerve to fight back against the Chaos. The three immortals all took the experience differently, Rahnyr became almost fanatical on his lust for revenge, the Chaos had left them with the hollow reminder of what their home once was and he wanted blood for blood. Aharid was horrified with what he saw, Rahnyr's willingness to extend this suffering to others for the sole purpose of revenge disgusted him their world was beyond saving and it was time to move on. Gaelia felt responsible for the destruction, she was a frontline soldier, she was supposed to be the last line of defense between the Chaos and her land, her friends, and her family. She never wanted to retreat from the fight but was dragged through the gate by Nextus, and now she just felt hollow walking among the devastation knowing she couldn't have stopped it, but wishing she could've died trying. The three would recover whatever valuables they could and would return back to our leaf. While the three Immortals were on their trip the remaining four were busy at work inside the leaf, MoRama and Queruhm would find new love in the mortal life Whismier and how varied it was across the leaf the two would agree to encourage that same diversity on Kious. MoRama would birth her first set of children from Rahnyr, the Hykhet, they would live among the mortal life developing on Kious with the help of Queruhm and Nofi. Aion would spend her time drifting through the leaf mourning the loss of not just her home but her partner Nextus, deeply wishing Rahnyr would be able to save him with his plan. Rahnyr's return brought upheaval to life on Kious, he was utterly disgusted with the Hykhet and immediately begun to "right this wrong" having another set of children with MoRama, the Ints which were granted favoritism and their more violent beliefs would cause them to encroach on smaller Hykhet settlements. So long as the Ints and Hykhet contained the fighting among themselves none of the other Divines would care much about the outcome, not wanting to interfere in Rahnyr's family business. All except Nofi who would spread her knowledge to mortals on Kious teaching them high-level casts, knowledge of Whisamier, the Planes, the Abyss, and Chaos, and gave them resources and protection under the jurisdiction of the Faye Kingdom. Rahnyr and Nofi would almost come to war over this decision as he felt this Leaf belonged to the Immortals and her granting that kind of protection was a precursor for invasion. Nofi would remind Rahnyr that he had the entire leaf to "play with" and should care very little for how she chooses to treat the mortals on this one planet. He would take her up on her offer and lead a campaign with the other Immortals to spread their influence through the leaf based on Kious' success, Only MoRama would stay behind. He would continue to use the phrase "righting the wrong" whilst talking about their expansion, little did the other Immortals know, Rahnyr was planning on stripping all the other planets for their resources and mortal lives to build his army. He knew those mortal soldiers would not be enough and they would need more divine strength, real power, to combat the Chaos, using Queruhm's trust in his "turning a new leaf" and MoRama's abilities, they would together create a new race of Divines, a successor to the Immortal Lords, the Taitens, MoRama made the Taiten resemble the Immortal Lords, hoping that their resemblance would make Rahnyr hesitate before sending them off to war, or even convince him they could rebuild inside the leaf, but all he saw was his Divine warrior army. Using the Taitens and loyal Mortals, Rahnyr would build himself a massive empire that spanned a large number of galaxies, separate from the groups of galaxies or planets the other Immortals had interacted with. 
  2. House/Taiten Age (1.4kbya- 639kmya
  3. *2Dark Age (638kmya-534kmya)
  4. The Age of Mythos (534kmya- Beyond Story End)
    4 Eras of Kious (Mortal tracking of history)
  1. Heroic Era (533kmya-378kmya)
  2. Imperial Era (378kmya-71kmya)
  3. *3The Modern-Era, (71kmya-Story End) it covers the Imperial Depression & Ice Age in the Early Modern period (71kmya-0ky.) The Late Modern period covers the (Imperial Renaissance as it rejoins the major powers and leads Kious and Earth into a massive dual world conflict (0ky-575ky) WWIII {Kious War, Earth War, & Hidden War Included} 22ky, Post War de-escalation period 7ky, & the mortal crisis 64ky.) And finally, the *4Late-Modern Era (576 - 630ky) which includes the Therra Project{133ey} (567-624ky) & Mortal Migrations to neutral lands and settlement of the Ryia Islands (488-572ky), The Last Planesman (599-603ky), Celestial Voyage (603-609ky, 614-621ky), & A World Beyond Gods (619-625kyEpilogue 630ky 2360ey}
  4. Neo Heroic Era (Beyond Story End)
  1. Ended by the Night War
  2. Less of a traditional age and more of a period of lost history.
  3. Given the worldwide effects of the Taiten Empire's near-collapse, this event is regarded as the agreed-upon year 0 for Kiousian historians. Also 482ky is the Kious year of Story Start.
Alternative Name(s)


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