Jason Terress Character in Worlds of Gods Hub | World Anvil

Jason Terress

{AHF Era}: {SF Era}: {GoA Era}: {DD Era}: {TLP Era}: {CV Era}: {MoF Era}: {LB Era}: {AWBG Era}: The last living member of Kelestia's Nobel Terress family.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Jason has an athletic but not muscular body type.

Special abilities

Static Casting: Fire Element
  • Pyrokinetic 
  • Fire Product Element Generation
  • Fire Negation
  • Solar Empowerment

Specialized Equipment

Terress Battle Rig: A cuirass made from a light Kelestian Steel weave that covers the user in a heavy Kelestian fabric skin-tight suit.
  • On the left arm, the suit has a buckler enchantment that upon activation will conjure a Kelestian Heavy Steel Hexagonal Buckler shield. It extends four inches past the user's hand and six inches past the user's elbow. While channeling their aura through the shield, the shield will emit a plasma blade that extends a foot and a half past the user's hand.
  • On the right arm, the suit has plasma wires that when an activated shoot out from the user's fingertips ensnare and burn the nearest object or being in front of them. The user can also use the wires like bolas.
  • On the shoulders, hips, and the small of the back the suit has magnet-like enchanted holsters for the user's weapons.
  • On the legs and back the suit is dotted with thermodynamic thrusters capable of rapid motion enhancement, allowing skilled users to boost themselves to superior enhanced speed.
  • The hood is also a light Kelestian Steel weave and fully covers the head of the user when pulled all the way down. The eye holes are passively enchanted to grant the user advanced sight and a HUD w/ distance measurements, zoom capabilities, compass, and self biometrics (including bioenergy readingsThis is an idea Jason got from Tyler when overhearing him talk about his helmet.}
  • The Color Scheme of his Rig is Sterling Silver, Dark Gray, Black, & Burnt Orange for anything Plasma, Enchanted, as well as covering the eye lenses. As with all Terress creations their family emblem is emblazoned on the back in Sterling Silver.
Jason's Light Blade: Often kept on his right shoulder holster, his light blade is an enchanted Kelestian Steel pistol cutlass. The cutlass is able to cast slashes of plasma that extend outward from the blade with the user's ether. The pistol portion is built into the handle and is able to fire a shot of plasma that can be charged for a greater effect for more ether. Jamie's Heavy Sword: Jamie's famous heavy K.Carbon sword.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Growing up in the small Nobel Terress family, Jason was accustom to living in the shadow of his older brother, Jamie Terress. Their mother served as a Centurion for Phyra, and his father was one of the most prominent blacksmiths for Maciah {Territory}, Jason had neither the natural skill for casting, smithing nor the battlefield.
Date of Birth
19th of April 2010
Year of Birth
2010 MEs 100 Years old
Dark brown
Short and styled, dark brown in color.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark brown skin tone


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