Faye Species in Worlds of Gods Hub | World Anvil


The Faye is a group of Divines born from Whisamier itself when Destiny or Fate demands, they grow from seeds that grow in branches instead of leaves. These seeds reach maturity and fall into the cosmos where they incubate in the roots in the Celestial plane before hatching and ascending back to the branches. Their home is in their own plane between the primary splits in the branches of Whisamier in a massive thickly wooded realm. It is said that this plane is the home of many mythology creatures throughout Whisamier. While their realm is interwoven with all of Whisamier, this has a unique effect where if a being can "learn the language" they can speak to the plants, winds, and waters, from this place. The Faye themselves are split into two major camps, The Faye Kingdom, Faye who live deep inside Whisamier that seeming care very little for the direct goings-on in the deeper branches only intervening if it means the protection if something they have direct investment in. And on the other side of the split, IRIS, a massive collection of Faye that can interpret the energy of Whisamier can carry out its directives involving themselves in the leaves of the tree when called for. These two sides are in a constant meandering war against each other as they each try to be the sole power of Whisamier and protect it from the Abyss.

Basic Information


Divine physiology

Genetics and Reproduction

The Faye reproduce asexually, typically born from Whisamier when Destiny dictates. They still have sexual organs, but can only reproduce with those who are outside of their species, these children are called Feyr and are generally seen as outcasts in the more traditional Faye Kingdom (seen as the children of species traitors.

Ecology and Habitats

Most of the Faye live inside Whisamier choosing its energy as their sustenance, living rather decadent lives off of the nearly endless resources in the heart of the tree. Those in Iris see there access Whisamier's resources as part of the ultimate duty to enforce its will on the leaves.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Like many Divines, the Faye have a predisposition to pack leader and followers mentality.

Facial characteristics

  • Their eye color is orb neon rays, with primary colors limited to white, blue, to dark purple and secondary colors (the lines and dots) are black, gray to white.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Super Natural Condition Advantage: Mystic Casting

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

  1. Faye Kingdom  
  2. IRIS 
100,000 to 1,000,000 years
Average Height
5'2" to 9'7"
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
  • Lightly scaled skin that is white to dark purple.
  • The immediate space around the scales is the same color as the lines and dots in their eyes.
  • Their hair is light wavy ranging to heavy curls and they can fix its length permanently. 
Related Ethnicities


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