The Moon Geographic Location in World: Minerva | World Anvil
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The Moon

Oh, the Moon. What a lovely little thing, and how much importance it serves to therianthropes of many kinds! The Moon is like a great dictator, adding more classes to therianthrope groups and forcing some to shift during some nights. These classes are determined based on the phase of the Moon that their first complete shift occurs on. These phases are full moon, half moon, new moon, during a solar eclipse and during a lunar eclipse. Interestingly, it is hard for one to lie about their so-called "Moon Sign," as their sign actually has a visual effect on their eyes. These are the differences between Moon Signs:

Full Moon: A standard Moon Sign, these therianthropes have a lot of power behind their muscles. They have black pupils and no iris band.
New Moon: A semi-standard Moon Sign, these are slightly rarer than a Full Moon Sign. These therianthropes are born with a lot of knowledge and intelligence, a gift from the Moon. These therianthropes usually have white or silver pupils, but they sometimes can be black. They have no iris band.
Half Moon: Rarer than a New Moon, therianthropes with this Moon Sign are more commonly in their theriantype's "Pure" class. They are a blend of New Moon and Full Moon. Half Moon therianthropes have either black pupils with a silver or white iris band, or they have silver or white pupils and a black iris band.
Eclipse: Lunar Eclipse, or more commonly, "Eclipse," is the rarest Moon Sign. Therianthropes that are Eclipses are the strongest and smartest. It is rumored that only a therianthrope that has been blessed by a deity can be an Eclipse. An Eclipse's eye colors can only be dark or blood red or fiery gold. They can have white or silver iris bands with black pupils or black iris bands with silver or white pupils. On rare occasions, one might even have pure silver or white pupils and bands.
Solar Eclipse: Though Lunar Eclipses are considered the rarest, Solar Eclipses are actually the rarest, considering a Solar Eclipse therianthrope would need to shift during the day. However, such beings are hardly considered because only a few exist, so there are not enough therianthropes for it to be officially considered a Moon Sign. They have similar abilities to Lunar Eclipses, but they have the added ability of being able to "disappear" during any situation, or to temporarily blind another or a small group. Solar Eclipses have strictly black pupils, silver or silver bands, and various shades of yellows, golds, reds, and oranges in a gradient for their iris color. Solar Eclipses are mostly considered to be myths by those that are aware of the existence of such therianthropes, and there is not much that one knows about involving the Solar Eclipse Moon Sign.
Notably, therianthropes that somehow shift during any waning or waxing phase of the Moon are often put into the class closest to their phase, or to the next Moon Sign phase.

The Moon is also said to contain many secrets. This is said to be the reasoning on why many Half Moon or New Moon signed therianthropes go mad, or become "lunatics." However, the Moon's secrets are also why Half Moon and New Moon signed therianthropes are so intelligent.
The Moon is old, and it has seen many things. It tries its best to share what it knows with those who can listen. However, sometimes it shares too much to those that aren't ready, and leads them astray in the dark madness of seeking answers even if it may lead to one's death.


The Moon, while mostly flat, dusty plains, is covered in mountains and valleys made out of craters from asteroids and various other objects crashing into the Moon's surface.
Alternative Name(s)
The Blood Moon, The Lunar Dictator, The Quiet Teacher
Planetoid / Moon

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