Temple of Spinning Iron Organization in World of Unforeseen Eye | World Anvil

Temple of Spinning Iron


  • Master of Blades
  • Enlightened Blade
  • Blade Welder
  • Student

Public Agenda

We exist to sharpen our souls and hearts like the blades we forge.


The Temple of Spinning Iron owns a monastry on the side of a mountain and a mine which local miners can work in. They hold a nice store of gold and silver, from the sales of their fine weapons.


The monastery was founded by a great swordsman who had defeated a mighty hydra. Having saw the beauty yet descructive nature of the hydra, he wished to perfect his craft and forge a blade like the Sword of Glamour also known as Green Destiny. He found a mighty vein of Iron underneath the hydra's nest and started work on the monastery.
Years later the monastery grew as apprentices climbed the great mountain to learn from the best and found that life here was more than crafting a weapon. It was about becoming a weapon in body and mind,
If you wish to forge a mighty weapon, you must first learn what it is to be a mighty weapon
— Founder

Demography and Population

The monastery has a mixed population of elf, human, and dwarf. The population ranges from about 250 to 400. Only one being the Master of Blades, 50 being Enlightened Blades, and 100 being Blade Welder status.


The Temple sits on the side of one of the mountains in the Great Range , away from the giants land and in the heart of the kobold lands.


The mass majority of the temples defenses are environmental, but if a force were to attack they would have to deal with highly trained monks, who are masters at a wide range of weapons. The narrow path ways would allow the monks to easily overwhelm most forces despite their small numbers.

Foreign Relations

The local towns on the Kingdom of Fire and Kingdom of Earth side both having open trade with the monastery due to the high quality of weapons they produce.

We forge our lives like that of the blade.

Secret, Brotherhood
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Son and Daughters of the blade
Government System
Economic System
Gold and Silver
Legislative Body
The Master of Blades has the ability to make any tenets they fill appropriate, based on the founders philosophy, except for what is written in the Core Forging
We need to be able to change with the times, from our methods, practices, to even our beliefs if need be. We should ensure our leaders are worth leading as they are the product of our training and upbringing.
Judicial Body
The Enlightened Blades are the Judicial body of the temple and they carry out will of the Master of Blades and the Core Forging. They have the ability to arrest members of the temple and if need be execute in order to save the life of another.
Neighboring Nations

Deba Billaba, a hot topic at the temple for many reasons. Deba was the previous Master of Blades at the temple, however after a record setting 2 years in the position, she ejected herself from the seat and demoted herself back down to Enlightened Blade. This was a major deal as she was the first person to be ejected from the seat and not be killed for failing to uphold standard or died of old age/disease.
When asked why she did it, all she simply said
Well if you do simple math, 12 hour days of running the temple, 6 hours of training, 4 hours of sleep, and 4 hours of parting don't add up to 24. That adds up to 26 and that doesn't make sense.
— Deba Billaba
Deba may not sit at the top of the temple now, but she is by far the strongest warrior there only rivaled by friend Gilcha. People at the temple may not understand her logic, but still wielding the Sword of Glamour and advising the new Master of Blades, none will deny her competency.


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