Felwynti (fell-win-tee)
The felwynti are mysterious nocturnal Fey-creatures that, despite being intelligent beings in their own right, live entirely separately from the Fey court system. In the West, they are known for being elusive and territorial creatures, often using their illusory magics to to confuse and turn away those who wander too close to their nests.
Often, they will only interact with others of their species when they decide they are ready to mate. A breeding pair will stay together until their children are grown, at which point they will once again go their separate ways. While not strictly monogamous, it is not uncommon for a felwyn to have a preferred mate to return to during successive breeding periods.
They are not wholly isolationist, however. When in pairs, felwynti are quite affectionate, playing and hunting with each other, as well as frequently grooming. A curious felwyn may choose to reveal itself to a person, speaking telepathically into their mind, and can even bond with them, becoming a sort of familiar. Those who live fairly close to settlements may even be seen playing with the local children.
Like most Fey, the felwyn will never leave a debt unpaid. Food and favours are often repaid with gifts, and slights are paid for in blood.
One of the most notable features of the felwynti is that they vocalize almost entirely in birdsong.
Basic Information
Felwynti appear at a glance to have the features of multiple different creatures. The body of a maned wolf, the face of a weasel, the ears of a mouse, and the antlers of a deer. One might assume them to be nothing more than cute, docile creatures. To a degree they are, when they feel unthreatened
Closer inspection will reveal their more predatory attributes, however. Their bodies and limbs are long and slender, making them weigh very little and allowing them to jump surprisingly well. Their mouths, while appearing small at first, are actually quite a bit larger than they appear and sport sharp teeth capable of shredding one's arm. Finally, their small paws actually hide razor-sharp claws that allow them to both easily climb trees and draw blood from any would-be attacker.
Biological Traits
Felwynti come in two variations: Full Moon, and New Moon.
A full moon felwyn is quite strong in illusory magics, using it to both turn away predators and confuse prey. They are more slender than their new moon counterparts, and are known for being more friendly on meeting humans. Their fur is primarily white with light blue markings, and glows brightly under the light of a full moon. They are nearly invisible on moonless nights. Their magic is strongest during a full moon and weakest during the new moon.
A new moon felwyn, by contrast, is relatively weak in magic, but makes up for it with physical strength. As a result, they are comparatively more stocky than their full moon counterparts, and have a reputation for hostility should one happen across them. New moon felwynti fur is primarily black, with dark blue markings. Their fur stands out clearly on moonless nights, while they become nearly invisible under a full moon. The new moon is when they are at their strongest.
Genetics and Reproduction
All felwynti possess both male and female genitalia and are thus capable of both becoming pregnant and impregnating others. They typically lay one egg at a time on their strongest moon phase, building the clutch until there are 3-5 eggs in the nest before beginning to incubate. Parents will trade off between incubating their eggs and finding food or guarding the nest site.
It is common for mated pairs to both produce eggs in order to lessen the time it takes to build their clutch, though preference for certain roles in mating can also be observed in some individuals. The incubation period lasts about 3 months before the eggs hatch, after which the baby felwynti will continue to be cared for by their parents until they're able to hunt and survive on their own, typically a year.
When a full moon felwyn and new moon felwyn breed with each other, the one taking the female role will lay two eggs instead of one, with one child being a full moon variant, and the other being a new moon variant.
Ecology and Habitats
Felwynti prefer heavily forested areas for their abundance of hiding places and their more controlled climates. Holes in large trees or abandoned burrows make for ideal nesting locations, and the foliage aids in confusing or sneak attacking prey or enemies. Small pools of water surrounded by stones can be found nearby a felwyn's residence, serving as both a water source for itself and as a lure for potential prey.
Dietary Needs and Habits
Felwynti are omnivorous. Their diet primarily consists of berries, mushrooms, leaves, flowers, mice, rabbits, small lizards, birds and their eggs. They will also occasionally eat the meat of larger animals, but this is more often done as scavenger behaviour.
Additional Information
Average Intelligence
The average felwyn is capable of rational thought and can understand simple speech. Using their telepathic abilities, they can hold conversation on the level of an eight-year-old. They are good at using strategy to get the upper hand on prey or an opponent.
Angry Felwyn Sketch
Angry Felwyn
A field sketch of an adult felwyn showing aggression to an unseen threat.
100 - 1000 years
Average Height
3' not counting antlers
Average Length
4' nose to tail
Geographic Distribution