Barony of Goldenridge, Keoland Organization in World of Greyhawk | World Anvil

Barony of Goldenridge, Keoland

Governed by Baron Geoffrey Antillus Aspensore III

  The beautiful and idyllic countryside of this barony is ruled by the famous paladin, Geoffrey Antillus Aspensore III . The bulk of this once wild territory was tamed and settled only a few decades ago, after the domain was gifted to Geoffrey for his many services to the Kingdom of Keoland, not the least of which was turning back the threat of a demonic incursion from Lolth, the Demon Queen of Spiders herself. The great fortress of Goldenridge sits upon the edge of the Dreadwood Forest, and the place has become quite renown for the powerful lords and ladies who frequent the castle as guests of the baron. Some of the paladin-lord's closest friends, incidentally some of the most famous adventurers of the Flanaess, spend such a sizable amount of time here they are practically residents.   The people of Goldenridge are a contented lot. They are well protected and cared for by their generous lord and lady. The fields are quite fertile and commerce is robust. Goldenridge has become a waypoint for merchants passing along the east-west roads, and more than a few have stayed quite a bit longer than they had originally intended.
Capital: Goldenridge   Other Towns: Daerwald, Oakroot   Areas of Interest: The Crypt of Thestos, The Wretchery, The Dreadwalkers
  Location in the Flanaess


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