Alobal Lorfiril Character in World of Greyhawk | World Anvil

Alobal Lorfiril

The Merry Magician, the Reveler

  Alobal Lorfiril is a minor elven god of hedonism and revelry, as well as being associated with the entertainment value and potential of aesthetic improvement of the Arts. Alobal is a youthful spirit who encourages his followers to try and attain as much enjoyment out of each moment as possible. To Alobal, responsibilities are matters for a later date, and the glorious now should instead be spent enjoying good food, fine wine, friendships, and love.   The Merry Magician greatly appreciates the potential entertainment value and beauty of magic. He particularly enjoys pleasurable applications of illusion spells, rather than simply using such for base trickery like so many of his elven peers, and the school of transmutation for its ability to create beautiful constructions of art, or enhance that which was already beautiful. Alobal is deeply amused by the short-term offer of interesting companionship presented by conjurers, be they devils, dragons, or devas.   The Reveler teaches his followers the lack of worry or hurry, and that every day has as much potential as the following day. To Alobal, wasting away one's life in the moment on endless, dull drudgery is not only fruitless, but potentially even a sin.   Alobal is however not entirely without a sense of responsibility. He never cajoles his followers or fellows into harming others in their intoxication and revelry, nor does he condone the seeking of pleasure at the expense of another.   Alobal is believed to be the youngest member of the elven pantheon, and thus never experienced the betrayal of Lolth and the fall of the drow.  


  Alobal appears as a comely male elf with sparkling golden eyes and perfect, unblemished skin. He favors the appearance of reddish-brown hair and wears loose fitting clothing of greens, reds, and golds. Alobal always appears wearing or carrying several items of unmatched artistic beauty and craftsmanship. He also decorates his raiment with flowers or other growing things of picturesque form. Usually, he is carrying a musical instrument of some kind, ready at hand to play whenever the mood strikes him. It is seldom indeed when, Alobal finds himself without a full glass of wine near at hand.  

The Church

  CLERGY: Elven bards, clerics, druids, rangers, sorcerers, travelers, and wizards
DOMAINS: Life, Trickery
  The followers of the Reveler are a loosely organized lot to say the least. The building of temples and churches is simply not something they are particularly interested in accomplishing. Interestingly, clerics and bards feel they can better serve their laughing god by adding their presence to preexisting temples of their fellow's gods. It is quite common to find a priest or two or a bard or three offering the benefits of their presence to their temples or churches instead. Singing the praises of the other elven deities is just as pleasing to Alobal as praises sung in his name (as long as the music is well performed).   Adventurers following Alobal often undertake quests in his name; these typically entail the retrieval of items of beauty and pleasure, the search for rare or magical food and beverages, competing in games and grand tournaments, or seeking out or creating spells and magic items capable of reducing the workload of elves.   Worshipers of the Reveler revere their deity whenever they partake in enjoyable drinks and meals, whenever they engage friends in conversation, or when simply engaging in a particularly enjoyable activity. Merely invoking the deity's name serves as veneration of Alobal in such moments.   Dogma: Life is best enjoyed with whimsy and abandon. Strive to remain free from the fetters of custom, law, inhibition, or oppressively prudent morality. Freedom is a cardinal virtue that is to be held higher in principle than even good or evil. It is your duty to fill your life with joy, art, romance, friendship, and wine.   Day-to-Day Activities: Clerics of Alobal typically serve their community by hosting spontaneous festivities and magic shows, by aiding in managing such events, and by lifting the spirits of the sick and injured. Priests of Alobal also often oversee the production of wine, sweetmeats, and other fare consumed purely due to pleasure.   Important Ceremonies/Holy Days: Just as the followers of Alobal are not in the habit of building structures to their god, so too are they reluctant to establish and promote holy days or ceremonies in his honor. Rather, those who serve the Reveler's desires most readily offer their joyful performances to the benefit of other Seldarine deities on their own important days, holidays, and ceremonies.   Major Centers of Worship: Alobal's followers rarely establish temples; most lack the fortitude to work so hard. They often create small shrines in taverns, glades, and places of wild beauty. A shrine to Alobal usually conceals ample stores of wine, sugared fruits, and other confections as well as scrolls of spells that followers commonly use. Alobal's shrines are often masked by magic, appearing as trees with rainbow-colored leaves or other odd but pleasing objects.   Affiliated Orders: There is a popular group of elven troubadours from Highfolk that continue to increase in fame. They have attained a great deal of wealth performing at various functions both domestic and abroad. They call themselves The Erévuorta. There are some who suspect that this band actually serves a secondary purpose as spies of foreign lands, but the group strictly denies these charges. They state that their purpose is merely to spread the joy of Alobal through the sounds of their music and to please their patron with the revelry that follows each of their magnificent performances.   Additionally, there are many elvish magicians that revere their merry god by performing small tricks and illusions for the pleasure of the common folk. Some of these magicians form small guilds that cater to magic as a source of entertainment. Their tricks vary from the non-magical sort that rely on sleight of hand and misdirection, to much larger performances that rely on flashy or even explosive uses of actual magic (though never intended to cause harm or mayhem).   Priestly Vestments: Priests of Alobal do not wear any formal garb. Only the possession of a piece of fine jewelry engraved with the symbol of their deity might serve to identify them as one of the faithful. Comfort, practicality, and craftsmanship denote the three most important things to consider when choosing what sort of garb would be most favored by the Reveler.


Elven Pantheon

The Merry Magician, the Reveler   Sphere of Influence
Hedonism, mirth, magic, and revelry   Alignment
Chaotic Good   Symbol
Wine glass (usually half-consumed)   Home Plane
Olympus/Arvandor and Ysgard/Alfheim
Corellon Larethian   Allies
All of the Seldarine, Ehlonna, Myhriss, Olidammara, Rudd   Foes
None   Worshipers
Elven bards, clerics, druids, rangers, sorcerers, travelers, and wizards   Worshiper's Alignments
CG, CN, NG, N   Domains
Life, Trickery


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